Archives for December 6, 2010

Trees and Lights

Well a lot of people have already started putting up their lights, and trees. Strangely enough this year we haven’t yet.

Last year we did it right after Thanksgiving. I suppose because our stuff was conveniently in one place, and now it’s in a storage place, so it’s not as handy as it was before. But we did get some lights up on the windows which I’m happy for. And they are so bright, neighbors aren’t quite as bright. When we were shopping yesterday for them, I was hoping to find some that auto-shut, but we weren’t able to but we found a better deal, and I like deals

I started this post earlier, but I started to feel sick again, like before. A horrible nauseous feeling that I’ve experienced before. Gosh I hate that so much, yuck! I’ve been feeling like that off and on all day. It totally ruined my day for doing laundry I really wanted to get it done today, so now I’ll do it tomorrow.

I think I got all my shopping done for William, so I’m happy about that, and really excited to get started with wrapping gifts, thats the fun part!

So my birthday was awesome, I had lasagna (my favorite), and William baked me a cake, it was pink he did such an amazing job, and he got me a NOOKcolor for my birthday, Oh I have wanted one for some time. I am so happy and excited about that. He also gave me a gift certificate to get some books and a cover for it. He’s played chess on it, and lost twice hehe. He’ll have to teach me to play chess one of these days. I’ll have to show photos later.

Jackie and Anna sent me a short home video, wishing me a Happy Birthday, it made me tear up, I miss them so much. It was such a lovely gift. I need to remove it from my mobile to save it. And my nephews also wished me a Happy Birthday via Facebook, my friends on Facebook also sent me good wishes, so it was really nice to be remembered, thank you everyone!. It was really lovely, but honestly the best was spending it with William, he makes me so happy, I’m such a lucky girl to have him in my life. I love you William! Anyway, I need to go for now. Have a great week everyone.
