Apparently there have been server interruptions more than once. This concerns me because visitors need to access some of my fanlistings quite possibly on a daily basis. So if the host is going to be down, this can create a problem for my website, and my fanlistings. To the extent I can lose them. So I am having a chat with a friend, and have decided on getting a reseller and sharing the costs. There are three hosting companies we are thinking of checking out, two of which I have seen around for years, the third I’ve never heard of, and I have been around the net for a very long time, so it must be fairly new, the cost is a few dollars less than the other two, but I may just want to go with reputation.
I’m really hoping that, when the change happens, that I will be able to have everything moved for me, and that everything will run as usual, without any problems. When I changed collective domains, I did a fresh install, and I really don’t want to have problems with it. I really hope this is not the case when moving *fingers crossed* So if there is downtime, that is the reason. I will have to let know, so they are aware of the downtime, which hopefully won’t be long, *hopes*.
Lastly I just had a birthday, Happy Birthday to me, it was yesterday, and I had an amazing day. Oh yeah I’m also doing a Greeting card exchange, if anyone is interested, use the contact form, and I will get back to you right away. I’m also doing it on, it’s my first time, so it’s pretty exciting, yay! Okay, have a good week all.