What is a Keep In Mind list? It is a list of people that would like to adopt a fanlisting I currently have that I have lost interest in. I offer them first come first serve when I am ready to find a new home for them. Anything that I have already closed I have the members and affiliates list for them. I will add a link somewhere for that list.
Since I am no longer running the KIM script as it is outdated, I was able to get the information on the current members. I have your email which won’t be listed, if you have a URL I will list that.
If you are interested in any of my fanlisting please use this form and let me know and I will add you to the list here.
Animated Characters: Chrisie – http://love.strongisfighting.org
Care Bears: Chrisie – http://love.strongisfighting.org
Cheer Bear: Chrisie – http://love.strongisfighting.org
Mozilla Firefox – Vivian