Ok I have done most of my shopping online, but there are still a few things that need to be bought, and we are going to take advantage and get some of this done this weekend.
Well I hope we can get it done. It would be nice not to have to rush at the last minute to get something. We are planning our Christmas dinner already. The week before Christmas, we are going to Jaime’s house for Christmas celebration with Williams family. It’ll be nice to see the kids again.
I told William I wanted to make little surprise bags for the kids, put some cute things in there, so every child gets a Christmas goodie bag. I hope we can still do this. I asked him how many kids will be there, I think I’m going to need to remind him again hehe.
Last weekend, the Patriots kicked some ass against the Jets, wow we didn’t get a chance to see the game, but I was kind of keeping up with it via Twitter, thank goodness for Twitter hehe. Let’s Go Patriots!!!!
This weekend you can go to Gillette Stadium and take a picture with Santa! Wooo haha. There are different ways you do this. Donate a new or gently used coat to Cradles to Crayons, Donate $25 to Cradles to Crayons, Present a receipt from a same day purchase at Patriot Place totaling $25 or more, Attend Santa Breakfast at CBS Scene. I’ve been there before, well not inside, we had just seen a film and took a walk, and William showed me the place, it’s awesome. I may suggest this for Saturday, if you want to know more about it check out the link within this post.
So season finale for The Walking Dead is over. I have plenty to watch though, so i’ll keep myself entertained during the nights Days go to my eBay, I need to get rock and rolling on that, I have so much stuff to sell. I have these 3 sweaters, brand new I had totally forgotten about them, and this really nice Jacket, great for the snow days ahead! Anyway wish me luck, I think I’ll go now, I got a lot to do.