Wow what a year, so much has happened in the past two years, I’m so grateful for having William in my life. He has shown me what love really is. I’m so happy to be ringing in the New Year with him, in our cosy living room, doing what we love to do. That will probably be something simple such as watching Supernatural, playing some ps3, but what makes it so special is that he will be with me, and it doesn’t matter where I am or what I am doing, I am doing it with him. I love you William, thank you for coming into my life.
I won’t forget my family and friends, hope your New Year is filled with joy and happiness. Oh and a quick congrats to my nephew Mike, he got married, I wish him and his lovely new wife a lifetime of happiness. I know that was all mushy but I am saying goodbye to 2010, so I wanted to make sure that it’s out there.
A wonderful new year is waiting for us down the road, I hope there to be many wonderful changes, like winning the Mega Million lottery hehe, that would be awesome. Williams mother got us a season pass for the Mega Million, isn’t that amazing, that is such a wonderful gift! I don’t really want to talk about all the little things I got for Christmas, or all the little things I have William or others for that matter, I just wanted to say that was a kick ass gift from Williams mother, she is so awesome!
Today we went shopping, as we have a wedding to go to on Saturday, yes that is correct, on New Years day, well everyone wants a special day, and that is Williams cousins special day. So we went out shopping, I managed to put together an outfit, I even had to buy shoes, the only thing I don’t have is a purse yeah I know, I didn’t get a chance to get one, so not sure what I’m doing about that. William bought some great shoes, wow I am so jealous hehe, they look so comfortable, all kinds of cushion inside, gosh they are really nice, I think he will be the man with the most comfortable shoes at the wedding lol.
Anyway well I just wanted to post a final blog for 2010, after I post this, I’m changing my theme to a New Years one, I may just have that up for a week or so, until the “Happy New Years” feeling fades, and then it’s back to normal hahah. Anyway Happy New Year everyone, please have a safe, happy one, and spend it with someone, don’t spend it alone. God Bless!