Oh No Not Static!

Well I’ve been gone for a good while. I guess that means I either didn’t have much to say, was way too busy, or just lazy about blogging. I’ll leave that up to you

Today I experienced a true cold Fall/Winter day. It was so cold the heater popped on, and I was glad because I was freezing. My hands get dry, the moisture is gone in them, so I need to keep a bottle of lotion near my desk, and remember to put lotion after I wash my hands each time. I don’t know if that happens to others, because if I don’t I will have no grip when it comes to holding on to the rail as I go down or up stairs. Plus I attract more static cling that I want. Oh NOO I hate static cling, I regularly get zapped when I touch a light switch or a lamp. I will not be liking that about winter.

I find myself getting bored of things way too quickly, why that happens I don’t know. Then when it does happen, I get distracted by whatever else is exciting for me at the moment. Gahh I hate when that happens. Oh I am looking forward to January, we get new phones, I’m really excited to finally get away from the blackberry, seriously it’s been a pain in the ass to say the least. I don’t think I’ll be getting an iPhone, I wasn’t too impressed, but I did like the fact it’s fast, I am still really impressed with the Samsung Galaxy S II, in comparison to the iPhone and a few other phones, it seems to be the best, IMO. Come November I believe there will be a few new models out so we’ll see what’s in store. What do you recommend?

Speaking of iPhone, yesterday a great man has passed on, Steve Jobs. How terrible is that, he was so young only 56 years old, reminds me of my mother, she was only 3 years older than him when she passed away, gosh 10 years ago. I just can’t believe how fast time flies. I know this is a hard time for his family and friends. Such a tragedy, and a great loss. R.I.P Steve Jobs, you done well!

So my Williams birthday is coming in a few weeks, and I’m already shopping for him. I always like to make his birthday special. I plan on sending him something to his work, last year I didn’t and I hope he wasn’t expecting it, but if he was, I feel so bad. He’s a truly special guy and he needs to be shown he is. I’m not going to list anything I got him, because he randomly reads my blogs even if he don’t leave a comment. I love you William


The weather here can’t seem to make its mind up. One day it’s like summer literally summer, people walking around in shorts, and flying kites at some beaches, and all that nice stuff, and then suddenly it’s like raining. Yeah!!! Right now its raining. It’s so hard to get use to this weather change, that is so sudden. Oh well thats England for you, gotta love it huh? It’s kind of nice though sometimes. I mean I really liked it when the sun was out and had so much sunshine coming into the flat and all, it was just gorgeous, and now with the rain I feel its winter again haha. So yeah in a couple of days we’ll probably have summer weather again

As for my fanlistings and what not. I still have them all. But am considering giving up a few. The girl that wanted 2 of my fanlistings, well I never heard a whisper from her, which kind of upset me because I got out of my way to take time out to back up the mysql, and sent her the affiliates and all the files necessary and then I hear NOTHING, whats more is, I email her and I hear nothing, not even a peep, thats not cool you know. If you don’t want it, and changed your mind then at least tell me. Ok that was a mini rant lol. I should just decide which ones to give up, and post them at thefanlistings.org and be done with it. i also wanted to make a contact page that would bring them here instead of individual contact forms, because well I’m bored of that now. I get spammed not as bad as some would think thank goodness, but yet it’s still annoying. I am so not into fanlistings anymore. I don’t mind joining here and there, but owning, I don’t know, I guess when my ex kept pushing the issue that its a waste of time, it sunk in Oh well.

So yeah thats about all. I guess it was time to update this. Which reminds me I will need to be updating all my listings again soon. Time goes by so quick, that before I know it, I have to do it again. If you happened to browse and want a listing of mine, then submit to my KIM and i’ll get the submission, the link is on the sidebar. Ok well I guess I am going to go off and watch a movie perhaps, hmm what to see what to see. I’ll tell you next time what I seen, anyway join my listings yeah? Have a good one!
