Oh No Not Static!

Well I’ve been gone for a good while. I guess that means I either didn’t have much to say, was way too busy, or just lazy about blogging. I’ll leave that up to you

Today I experienced a true cold Fall/Winter day. It was so cold the heater popped on, and I was glad because I was freezing. My hands get dry, the moisture is gone in them, so I need to keep a bottle of lotion near my desk, and remember to put lotion after I wash my hands each time. I don’t know if that happens to others, because if I don’t I will have no grip when it comes to holding on to the rail as I go down or up stairs. Plus I attract more static cling that I want. Oh NOO I hate static cling, I regularly get zapped when I touch a light switch or a lamp. I will not be liking that about winter.

I find myself getting bored of things way too quickly, why that happens I don’t know. Then when it does happen, I get distracted by whatever else is exciting for me at the moment. Gahh I hate when that happens. Oh I am looking forward to January, we get new phones, I’m really excited to finally get away from the blackberry, seriously it’s been a pain in the ass to say the least. I don’t think I’ll be getting an iPhone, I wasn’t too impressed, but I did like the fact it’s fast, I am still really impressed with the Samsung Galaxy S II, in comparison to the iPhone and a few other phones, it seems to be the best, IMO. Come November I believe there will be a few new models out so we’ll see what’s in store. What do you recommend?

Speaking of iPhone, yesterday a great man has passed on, Steve Jobs. How terrible is that, he was so young only 56 years old, reminds me of my mother, she was only 3 years older than him when she passed away, gosh 10 years ago. I just can’t believe how fast time flies. I know this is a hard time for his family and friends. Such a tragedy, and a great loss. R.I.P Steve Jobs, you done well!

So my Williams birthday is coming in a few weeks, and I’m already shopping for him. I always like to make his birthday special. I plan on sending him something to his work, last year I didn’t and I hope he wasn’t expecting it, but if he was, I feel so bad. He’s a truly special guy and he needs to be shown he is. I’m not going to list anything I got him, because he randomly reads my blogs even if he don’t leave a comment. I love you William

They Go So Fast!

I can’t believe how fast the weekends just zoom on past us! Where is time going, why is it going faster and faster as we get older and older, I don’t get it lol. Do you? If you do please tell me what’s up? And what is up with the weather, it has been crazy! Raining one day, super hot the next, wow that is some craziness, at least it is out here in Massachusetts. The humidity is horrible, if you are anything like me, and you really don’t like to be in humid weather, you do not want to live out here. Believe me the Fall out here is breath taking, always wanted to experience it, and now I have, but with that comes all the other wonderful seasons lol.

But seriously it’s so worth it, I know I complain about this and that, when it’s humid, and I just can’t help it. It doesn’t last long, once I’m cooled off, I am just fine. I have often wondered what it would be like to live in Seattle, no kidding seriously, William has even told me, that that is where I would probably love to live lol, and he may be right but I don’t know if I will ever get a chance to ever really know, but who knows what could come up on us. We’ll see!

So for the longest time I had been debating between getting a tablet or not, and I was finally convinced by a wonderful little friend of mine hehe. Which were the choices, well there was always the iPad2, Samsung 2, and the Xoom, the fact that the iPad 2 didn’t have flash well that kind of made my mind up on which is being eliminated. I know there are a lot of other pluses that come with it, but I couldn’t do without that. Then there were two left! Samsung 2 and the Xoom, yes the S2 is much thinner, but you couldn’t expand it anymore so you were stuck with what you bought. So now that is eliminated, and the final one was Xoom yes, that is right, we decided on that one. and what is even much more amazing, the price dropped considerably, does this means something bad? Perhaps, depends on who you are asking.

So we also got lucky and there was a $50.00 coupon off on the tablet, how sweeter can it get, so my sweet lovely boyfriend, went off to Staples to pick one up, and we have had so much fun with it lately. Now I know there will be things I may not be use to on it, as this is my first Android, I have an iPod, and I got use to the apps there, so now I have to readjust myself to the Android, which is fun, fun to discover things. I have blackberry mobile phone, and that too will be updated soon, well actually not until the new year lol. Anyway so I am very very happy so far with the Xoom, yay!

Oops I left it downstairs, or I would of taken a photo of it, I will next time I get a chance, I’m really happy with it too. Speaking of coupons, lol. Target is having pillow sale, well amongst other things, and from what I read in a blog, they are for 2.50 the soft pillows, and target has a coupon for 2.00 off at their website, so I told William about it, and he’s going to see possibly passing by on his way home, hopefully we get luck and we can get a couple of pillows for .50 cents yay! Go snatch yours while you can! Anyway got to go, going to play catch up with some of my websites, have a great week!
