10 Years? Really?

It’s so hard to believe, that, that much time really has flown by. Throughout those 10 years I have often thought about what happened on that day. I mean seriously, who couldn’t? I’m sure it’s come into your mind, now and then. Something triggers the memory, or perhaps you lost someone there, and I’m so very sorry for that. None of that should of ever happened, what has humanity come to. But I’m not here to talk politics lol, not that I ever do. But I just want to remember.

So William went out to get the newspaper, and we got the Boston Herald, the front page was beautiful, I decided to keep the front page, just felt like I wanted to, is that wrong? Anyway I took a quick snapshot to show you all.

I just felt like sharing that too. I’m kind of speechless to this 911 topic, I just feel so sad right now, and I want to change the tone of my post, so please just take a moment for those who were lost, and their families and friends who are missing them.

Last night, we went to the drive-in. I was so excited, so excited to see Contagion and Final Destination 5, I loved both of these films, they were much better than I expected, especially Final Destination, I really expected, to expect certain things, and well it really was a refresh difference from the other films, enough said, i am not spoiling it for any that have yet to see it, but I will spoil Contagion for you, so close your eyes lol *fair warning* I see a sequel coming out that’s all I’m saying. Ok one more thing, I hope a sequel comes out

So the weather was gorgeous, I tried taking a photo of the moon with my mobile phone but it came out crappy, so this is all I have to show. Aww boo, I tried to upload the photo to my dropbox, but it kept restarting my phone, grrr, I will next time, or just take my word for it, it was a gorgeous night!

I still had a fantastic time, William was like so hyped up but I think it was from coffee, and not the films, but then again who knows hey? All I know is we had a great time! As we drove home, I was being all paranoid, haha, I’m like please drive with both hands on the steering wheel, and why are you driving so fast haha. Yeah I was a basket case, but alas we made it home safely, I love William, thank you so much babe for taking me to see the films. He’s truly the best!

Where Is Summer?

This year, summer has been really goofy, the weather constantly changing. We seem to be getting a lot of tropical storms here, one day its gorgeously beautiful, the next its humid and icky, and then its raining, and cool. What a combination. I’m okay but gosh I would really love to see some normal summer weather (minus the humidity) lol.

So we had this great weekend planned, but there was somethings that came up that were well priority really, so that had to be cancelled, funny enough it rains today. But it was going to be a Friday – Saturday thing, I’m not going to say what, but I know it was going to be so much fun. But you know I love my William so much, and am 100% supportive of his work, that I know these things will come up. He spent most of Saturday gone taking care of some business, I stayed home and did my thing. He was so disappointed we didn’t get to do what he had planned out. But you know there will be many opportunities to do them. The way I see it, we have the rest of our lives, unless he hasn’t told me anything lol.

Oh we finally got a chance to finally start watching Breaking Bad, that seems like a pretty cool show. It just started its 4th season, so we don’t that much to catch up on. We also started watching Alphas, it reminds me a lot of Heroes, but I still enjoy watching Alphas. I’ve been doing my own catch up of things. I DVR most of them, because William isn’t really interested much in what I watch, which is 100% okay with me, no one said we ‘have’ to like the same things, that is what makes us individuals

I took a break to write a blog, and also blog about another product but that will be the post after this one, so you don’t get stuck reading my other non related to my real life stuff lol. Then I need to get back to finishing up the Plain White T’s fan listing, I should of done during the week, but I was doing other things. Most of my fan listing have been approved for moving, so I’m really happy about that. Like I mentioned last time, I have other listings I need to attend to, but I don’t want to talk about that, because it’s only going to get me down that I’m running out of time on stuff.

I was just thinking about Jason Statham so I popped on over to GetGlue, and checked in, and decided to see his next film trailer ‘Killer Elite‘, wow what is it about that man that is so yummy, I mean I love that actor so much, he’s my favorite! You know what, I’m going to share this trailer with you, just because I like to share. I’ve got a nice collection of his films, so you know this one will be added to it.

I hope you can see that, otherwise I will need to go and fix it lol, since I am using managewp, and I don’t see plugins on here for youtube, but maybe later they will add that, it would be really cool if they did. Anyway I better get going. I need to check in on my sweet William, he has had a toothache this weekend, ugh that sucks so bad because I know how that feels his cheek is swollen, and looks cute actually, lol I shouldn’t laugh, but he looks like a chipmunk with his cheek full of food hehe. Na, my poor baby has to go to a funeral tonight and I know he is not feeling his best, my poor baby, I’d take on that toothache instead of him any day. Hmm what is good to help the swelling go down, beside swishing warm salt water in his mouth. Will have to see what kind of quick remedies I can find. Right okay need to go, enjoy the trailer!
