Happy November

Yesterday was 11-1-11, and yeah that is the only one I will ever see in my life time, and probably everyone else, unless they know how to go back in time lol. I think not. Anyway, I changed my theme. I wasn’t really liking the last one too much, this is a little cleaner, and I don’t know I’m liking it.

Nothing much has changed with the fanlistings, I did have to update a few just a bit ago. Believe it or not, I still have no heard a word from that girl that adopted out fanlistings to me, I am going to pay her site another visit, and then I think I am finally going to contact thefanlistings.org. But to be quite honest, I don’t think they will be able to do anything for me, they have no control over her fanlisting, the only control they have is to put it up for new ownership, and that’s if she fails to update, so I’m going to try to keep an eye on that. It’s a shame really, because I put so much time into putting it up, and it’s not like she didn’t correspond with me more than once, she did. It’s just very disappointing.

Anyway we’ll see. I also haven’t heard about my extension, which is worrying me, because I don’t know if I should go ahead and make it, or wait for them to reply back. I should just make it, I don’t think anyone else would want it, but hey I could be wrong here you know? Ok, well I’m still not feeling well, have this nasty cold that isn’t going away, so I am going to go relax, and stay warm. That’s it for now, have a great day.

So Much Goodness #Food #BAD11

Here we are again, another Blog Action Day, this years topic is food! Oh my goodness, there are so many deliciously enticing foods. But I think about the topic a little deeper, and why does guilt set in? I don’t know, wait I do know. Because I start to think about all those countries with people that wish they would have just one bite of what tonight’s dinner would be. Is it normal to feel guilty? I’m going to say yes, I think anyone that is writing a BAD post is going to think about how I just felt.

I don’t want this to really be a sad blog, so let’s keep it a bit light. I have experienced so many good foods, Guatemalan food, so delicious, especially the tamales, oh goodness me. so yummy goodness, and the smaller Mexican flavored tamales also so delicious. I spend a few years in England, and got to experience the Indian food there, OMG, there is not many Indian places around here, my next door neighbors are Indian, and I can always smell when they are cooking their dishes, strong scents of garlic and onions being fried, really nice. I have to be honest, there have been times when it’s been a bit over the top, and I could do without the smell, because it comes through my entire house, and it lingers! haha.

But aside from that, I really have enjoyed some dishes in my travels. I know there is so much more to experience, and I’m so looking forward to all those tasty dishes awaiting to be consumed. So while you think of all those gorgeous dishes you can find in the world, also think of those less fortunate, and give a little when and where you can. Spread the word to, there is still time to participate in Blog Action Day 2011!
