So Much Goodness #Food #BAD11

Here we are again, another Blog Action Day, this years topic is food! Oh my goodness, there are so many deliciously enticing foods. But I think about the topic a little deeper, and why does guilt set in? I don’t know, wait I do know. Because I start to think about all those countries with people that wish they would have just one bite of what tonight’s dinner would be. Is it normal to feel guilty? I’m going to say yes, I think anyone that is writing a BAD post is going to think about how I just felt.

I don’t want this to really be a sad blog, so let’s keep it a bit light. I have experienced so many good foods, Guatemalan food, so delicious, especially the tamales, oh goodness me. so yummy goodness, and the smaller Mexican flavored tamales also so delicious. I spend a few years in England, and got to experience the Indian food there, OMG, there is not many Indian places around here, my next door neighbors are Indian, and I can always smell when they are cooking their dishes, strong scents of garlic and onions being fried, really nice. I have to be honest, there have been times when it’s been a bit over the top, and I could do without the smell, because it comes through my entire house, and it lingers! haha.

But aside from that, I really have enjoyed some dishes in my travels. I know there is so much more to experience, and I’m so looking forward to all those tasty dishes awaiting to be consumed. So while you think of all those gorgeous dishes you can find in the world, also think of those less fortunate, and give a little when and where you can. Spread the word to, there is still time to participate in Blog Action Day 2011!

BAD2010 – Water

Water, have you given it much thought? Where it comes, how it gets here, and how lucky we are to have it at our disposal as we do? I do now and then, and that’s being honest. Because it’s so easy to access for us, we don’t think about it much. Well don’t feel guilty, a lot of people do the same thing. This post is brought to you in part by, and myself

Here is your chance to get involved and spread the word on the work that is doing, they are amazing, there isn’t enough words to say what a difference they are making, and what a difference we can make as well.

The people from Africa and the like, walk miles and miles to get their water, and what do we do, walk to the sink, or in some cases to the refrigerator for bottled water. Water is a luxury for us. To think that clean and safe water is a rarity in other countries, that even mobile phones are easy to come by. Gosh what a thought! I would like to share this video with you, please take a few moments of your life to watch it, perhaps it will inspire you to get involved.

It’s a powerful video, but it’s the point that we are trying to get across here. How vital it is to our existence that we get involved, and we take the time to care enough to do something, to help. As Benjamin Franklin once said:

When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.

Are we going to wait until the well is dry? No, we aren’t, no we shouldn’t! Did you know that every week, nearly 38,000 children under the age of 5 die from unsafe drinking water and unhygienic living conditions, my gosh that is just horrible, horrendous! African women walk over 40 billion hours each year carrying cisterns weighing up to 18 kilograms to gather water, which is usually still not safe to drink. Can you do this? Would you do this? You would if it meant life or death. Please get involved, I implore you to do so.
