Archives for May 2010

Summer Weather!

Oh yes I am loving the weather, but not so much when it gets humid, I think by now everyone knows how much I hate it lol. I’m dealing though. So we are doing a BIG cleaning in the house, yes even throwing out what is old and not being used, and unsellable on eBay hehe. Omg!! Two of my favorite shows have finally come to an end, LOST and 24!! I personally didn’t like the ending to LOST, I mean it’s all spiritually awakening I guess, but I actually was hoping they all were alive, and with those they loved. I mean Clarie and Charlie sure are together, but there is no baby at least I didn’t see one, basically it would of been nice to see them back in their homes, alive and well. It don’t always end like that though, so that’s probably why they went with this ending. As for 24, I’m so glad that Jack Bauer is alive, but I’m not happy that he has to be on the run from the Americans and Germans. I wonder if they’ll come out with a film about this, seeing him on the run. I loved that show, so much action. We are on season 2, we started watching it from the beginning. I never seen it from the beginning, and I really enjoy the show. I have to thank Netflix for that, instead of having to wait to get the DVD in the mail, we just stream via the playstation, and we can watch it on our TV at home, isn’t that amazing? Thank you Netflix!!!

I am excited to go see the Battleships, we were out in the area a few weeks back and I got a few pictures but weren’t worth posting, so I hope that in the next couple of weeks, we can go down there, and I can get closer shots of the Battleships. These things are huge, I think I have one or two photos I can share.

There you go, they are not that great, I took them with my mobi camera, so you know how that goes, could be better. Next time I’ll use a digital camera, will come out nicer. I hope when we do go, that I’m able to go on aboard and take pictures. William said that they do tours there, so I’m excited about that, imagine on a battleship woooo hehe. I’ve only seen stuff on TV, so this will be my first experience and it’ll be awesome. Anyway, I need to get going, I need to clear out a closet. Have a great week everyone.

No More Flash Forward?

Today it’s cloudy and cold, it’s funny how the weather changes from one extreme to the other overnight. It’s a nice break from hot weather though. Next couple of days should be sunny and warm. I am not quite ready for the hot and humid weather to come along. I am a bit bummed out about the Boston Bruins, they almost made it to the play offs! I’m proud of them to have made it as far as they did, Go Bruins. The Red Sox aren’t doing so great either, but despite that, I am still a big supporter, Go Red Sox! Sunday was Wolverhampton Wolves last game, they made premiership about 3 games ago, so I’m happy for them, Go Wolves!! England became world champions in cricket as well. Congrats to them!

One of my friends from Facebook commented that Flash Forward won’t be aired anymore, so of course I wanted to do a little digging on that, as I really like that TV show, although, I suppose if you think about it, the story can end pretty quick. I found out the the ratings have been steadily dropping, and that in fact Flash Forward was cancelled by ABC, this sucks!!!! I am bummed, now I am going to tell William, he’s going to hate hearing this too lol, anyway the article is here if you want to read it. As for V well they are getting a season 2 which is great, because it can be a good TV show. Here is a complete list of all the shows that are getting cancelled and renewed for another season, some shocking shows are on the list, check them out. There was a TV show we started to watch ‘Happy Town’ only aired 2 episodes and it’s been cancelled although they said they will still air the other 5, they just haven’t put it down on schedule yet and I already knew about 24, they have had a nice long series, which I’m catching up with. Anyway, I need to get some stuff done, so I will close here. Have a fab day!
