Archives for February 13, 2010

Just Not Enough

Well I was disappointed with hardly any snow fall. I was really hoping to have enough to make a really cute :snowman: but it didn’t work out that way :sidefrown: well winter isn’t over yet, so who knows right? Although not enough snow, but we did still have some, most is melted away, but OMGOSH!! It was still cold lol. It’s 7pm and I won’t go downstairs to do laundry because it’s soooo :tremble: cold down there. Anyway moving along, so I finally was able to set up my stuff with social network sites so I can use on my mobile phone and it’ll send to Twitter and Plurk, I wanted to use Plurk but didn’t want to spend time on that website, when I can send the same messages to Plurk, Twitter, Identica, even my Facebook which is cool, because it’s less time having to run around to all the websites lol. I have conveniently linked my profiles to all of the websites here for you in case you have one and would be lovely if you added me So yeah it’s just all very convenient.

So tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, I hope you all make what you want out of it. It’s going to be like a regular day for me, I think a lot of people will over doing it for Valentine’s Day, like there isn’t enough holidays already that we over do on lol. Well either way, which ever way you look at it, I hope it’s fun, and everything you want it to be.

I really like the emoticons on BlackBerry mobile device, my sweet friend Steve has a newer model and he has some cool emoticons that I don’t have. Bummer too, it’s some time still until I can upgrade ,and I’m debating about going with Storm 2 or the Curve, but by the time I can upgrade, who knows what will be out :cat: anyway I’m happy with what I have right now. Gosh it’s getting late, and I’m hungry time for dinner. I’m going to get going. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone.
