Oh yeah today is the last day to get free listing with any start price, and well I have been taking advantage of it, so I have been trying to hustle and do that, and hope not to make any mistakes or I’m dead lol, not not dead but will suffer the consequences lol.
And those consequences usually are, I lose out on what I’m trying to make money on!
It’s really so beautiful today, wish I was out and about with William, I think we would both enjoy it. William lately hasn’t been too happy with things, so the distraction does him good. Gosh I wish I could take all his woes away :-| but I know I can’t, so all I can do is be there for him.
I knew I would be stopping at various times to do my eBay thing, but I will get around to finishing this. Oh look I’m back. Okay well I may or may not finish this today. All I know is that I want to post as many times as I can. I need to get those Pay Per Post coming in again lol.
Last week we saw the season premiere of Ghost Hunters, that was a good episode! Although I didn’t see anything, but I did hear something, not sure how accurate any of that can be. But it was very cool to watch.
It kind of sucks that we don’t have TV but no point in getting a contract for cable only to have to cancel when FIOS shows up, so good ole torrents always help out. It works, and besides we have netflix that is amazing!
This week is the first Patriots game, wooo GOOO Patriots!!!! :dance: Okay well I have three packages I need to package up, and get ready for posting them out tomorrow. Have a lovely evening everyone.