Ok this is just something I wasn’t expecting, and wasn’t looking forward to. I really expected to stay with same host for like ever until I decided to close my website! But it looks like this is going to happen sooner than expected, I just got an email yesterday about it. I seen a few people react to it, and I am reacting right along with them. I’m not happy, it’s going to be a lot of work, and I hope that I don’t lose some of my fanlistings because of it lol.
I know I’m laughing, but because I hate complications, and this is going to be a pain in the ass. I never had to move hosts before, I can honestly say I have been with the same host from the beginning, that’s a long time.
I did find another host, and I hear only good things, the prices are fantastic, perhaps you have seen them around Hostgator, do you have any comments about that hosting company? What do you like, what don’t you like? Do you know someone better that you can recommend? Now I heard that they transfer your website from one server to another, so if that is true, than that is a big plus that would make me so very happy.
I just wish my current hosting company would contact me ASAP, what happen is that they sold their shared hosting business to Fluid Hosting, effective immediately! So that means I need to start looking around, but since one of my friends uses Hostgator, that is where I think I will be moving to.
So if any of my hostees plan on moving with me, you need to let me know ASAP!!! It’s important that you at least read my updates to know what is going on here! I will try contacting you once, if I don’t hear from you, than I will assume you are NOT interested in moving with me. I will NOT back up your files, that is your responsibility, not mine. If you have wordpress, I will be happy to back up your database, but you must must contact me, use the form on the website if you have to, but please do it today or tomorrow!!
I know you are probably wondering, why don’t I stay with the new host, they are way too expensive, and I feel confident with Hostgator, I’m sorry, I pay the bills you don’t. I will post again with more details, as soon as I hear it.