Ok so where has time gone? Where?! Huh? Can anyone tell me that? When was the last time I posted on here, seems like forever. Wait I know, I probably didn’t have much to talk about. Hmm come to think of it not much has changed, but I thought I’d post a little something anyway, so what’s today? Oh yeah the last day of February aww bye bye February we’ll see you next year. Yeah so it’s like sooo windy right now! Sudden changes in weather its unbelievable. Omg also England had an earthquake not too long ago. Okay I am from California, so I am use to them yeah? But I didn’t feel a damn thing to be honest!! Haha I’m like What!!!! an Earthquake!? Your kidding me, I didn’t feel nothing and i was awake at the time too. Did anyone other Englanders (is that a word?) feel anything? Oh well I was hoping I’d feel it, then I’d be able to compare them to California earthquakes haha.
Right so what have I been up to lately. Not a lot. I was working on a script over at list-me.com but ran into a little glitch and I abandoned it for the time being. But I think I shall go back to it and try to fix it. Then I am still brainstorming on the whole Pixelfx.org site, OMFG I seriously either need to close down for revamp or get to fixing that site. I just don’t have the motivation, and it’s been renewed for another year already both hosting and domain name. So I need to do something. I don’t think anything is going to happen this next month, got stuff in my personal life coming up that well just takes over all this internet stuff. I won’t bore you all no more. Anyway thats my update for the time being. Oh yeah and if you are thinking of seeing a movie called Dead Lake, DON’T see it, its such a waste of a movie, acting sucks lol, and it just a waste seriously, Millie I’m getting you for making me go through having to watch that lol *evil laugh* wait till I get you back! Okay well I guess I’ll carry on now. Okay see you all later, have a great weekend and if you are in England, stay dry. See ya!