Amazing Grace, the Song

I recently adopted a fanlisting from Mervi, she had it up for adoption, and I think it is a beautiful song and I can relate to it. I was so happy when she let me adopt it. If you would like to join, please follow this link Amazing Grace, I would love to have you as a new member

Other than that no new fanlistings, just keeping up with them. I probably should close a few more that I am not longer as big as a fan as I once was. I will post about that soon. I just need to decide on which ones.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter.

God Bless

I Finally Did It!

After probably a few years, I finally closed some of my fanlistings that I wasn’t as passionate about, and some were just old and never got new members, so that was kind of a downer too. 21 of 31 fanlistings were closed, in that included my 2 number listings, a name listing Alice that was actually adopted, along with 1 of my fanlisting Alexander McCall Smith that was also adopted to the lovely Eunice. I’m happy they went to someone who can enjoy them.

I have kept open a few fanlistings, as I really wanted to see them adopted. The Simpsons TV show characters, and a Calendar Event, you can find them here, if interested let me know

In other good news, I have adopted and opened a few new fanlistings, let me share that with you.

  1. Cameras: Digital – Objects
  2. Instagram – Computer Miscellany & Internet > Phone Apps
  3. Colour: Peach – Miscellaneous > Colours
  4. Water – Food/Drinks > Drinks (Non-Alcoholic)
  5. Faith – Miscellaneous > Concepts and Ideas
  6. Zodiac Signs – Mythology/Religion > Astrology and New Age

And that is it, for now The only ones I adopted were Faith and Zodiac Signs, I appreciate Kelly and Miya for adopting them out to me, yay!

I am still waiting for a few others I applied for as they were closed, maybe I’ll get lucky and get some. That is about it for now, don’t forget, go join my new fanlistings!
