Another Easter without anyone to spend it with, how sad :(. Well actually I kind of wanted not to be around anyone this year. I’m going through some personal things and I feel better left alone. My moms anniversary of her death is coming up soon, and well thats got me a bit :(. but I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter!
I closed one of my fanlisting, I wasn’t getting much people joining so thought it’s time to let it go. I offered it to the person it was made for but she refused it in a bit of a rude way. Okay maybe I misread how she said what she did but yeah. Whatever on that. I needed to close some anyway. I really should get rid of more, especially those that are interested in some. Actually this one girl wanted to adopt 2 of my fanlistings, I sent her the stuff and this was over a month ago, and I have not hear one peep from her? I emailed her but nothing? So I didn’t close my fanlisting or nothing it’s still open. I’m going to guess she is no longer interested, but that was a bit rude she didn’t let me know. Oh well on that as well!
Apart from that, I was on facebook, and added an application for weblink and it took a screenshot of my layout, and I noticed this column is a lot higher than it looks like on Firefox. So I am a little p’d off about that, if anyone has a suggest as to why it’s like that. More than likely its IE6 that they used to take that screenshot, because I know I checked on IE 7 to see how it looks and it looks fine. Kind of makes me mad because I love this layout haha. Anyway thats about all.