Archives for March 2008

Happy Easter!~

Another Easter without anyone to spend it with, how sad :(. Well actually I kind of wanted not to be around anyone this year. I’m going through some personal things and I feel better left alone. My moms anniversary of her death is coming up soon, and well thats got me a bit :(. but I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter!

I closed one of my fanlisting, I wasn’t getting much people joining so thought it’s time to let it go. I offered it to the person it was made for but she refused it in a bit of a rude way. Okay maybe I misread how she said what she did but yeah. Whatever on that. I needed to close some anyway. I really should get rid of more, especially those that are interested in some. Actually this one girl wanted to adopt 2 of my fanlistings, I sent her the stuff and this was over a month ago, and I have not hear one peep from her? I emailed her but nothing? So I didn’t close my fanlisting or nothing it’s still open. I’m going to guess she is no longer interested, but that was a bit rude she didn’t let me know. Oh well on that as well!

Apart from that, I was on facebook, and added an application for weblink and it took a screenshot of my layout, and I noticed this column is a lot higher than it looks like on Firefox. So I am a little p’d off about that, if anyone has a suggest as to why it’s like that. More than likely its IE6 that they used to take that screenshot, because I know I checked on IE 7 to see how it looks and it looks fine. Kind of makes me mad because I love this layout haha. Anyway thats about all.

Geez March Already!

Time is going to fast, or I am just a lazy ass that is going much too slow. So here we are in March already, and we had Mothers day here in England, well since my mother passed away in 2001, well I have no mother, but still I wished people who do have a mother a happy one. There is this thing my mother used to tell me when I was younger. Don’t let this spook you now hehe. But she told me that sometimes when you least expect you see a random round bruise like on your forearm or what not? Well she said that when you see that, it means that someone that has passed on has come to visit you, and that show they let you know they visited you. Like in my case it would be my lovely mother god rest her soul!!! Well yeah that appeared on my left forearm on Mother’s day which was March 2nd well is it a coincidence? I don’t know, but when that happens, I think of what she said, and I remember! So as far as I’m concerned, she did visit me and thats how she let me know she was around me that day. Cos I was feeling down and sad, and missing her so much, so when I seen that, I smiled and thought bout her and just whispered in the air “i love you mom” ooo my eyes just go watery lol. We had a very special close relationship, so you can imagine how hard it was to lose her. Okay well thats my story for today. Nothing new to report with the website, and my fanlisting, just wanted to touch basis. Ok thanks all for your comments, the little ones I get. Hmm I need to do a hostee check! Oh yeah hosting is open if anyone is interested.
