Time To Give It Up

Yeah it’s that time to update all my listings, well I did update the pending ones, but the ones that don’t have pendings need to be dealt with. So I hope to do that as well today, and I need to get to trouble checking my stuff at thefanlistings.org as I’m a trouble checker there now. I have some time to do it, but I think I’m going to want to do that first, so it’s taken care of.

I don’t have plans of adding any new fanlistings to my collection, on the contrary I have been wanting to let some go, I have a few in mind. Which also reminds me, I need to get my Keep In Mind script installed again, which I haven’t done, so will get to that as soon as possible. People can just email me their info and what they are interested in the meantime as well, and then I add them, not too hard hey?

So with the new year, bring a new cold/cough. Wow this is a really nagging one too. It’s made me feel not so good, I haven’t spent as much time online as I have wanted, but what do you do when you feel sick? Yeah you just stay off and try to get better lol.

So I have been thinking lately about pixelfx.org, and I don’t think I’m going to make it into a site with tutorials from other sources, I think there are plenty of those. I think I will just keep the domain, and hope to sell it for a good price, and let the hosting expire. I have maybe one or two hostees left, and I will need to move them elsewhere, or let them find a new home. I thought about this, but finally came to that conclusion, I have a lot on my plate, and I think that is just going to be way too much. It’s been fun, but it’s time to close it. Anyone interested in the domain, contact me.,

Coming Along Slowly

The transition from one domain to another takes time. Although I have to admit I get lazy and decide to put things off a day or two. But as I mentioned before, my fanlistings are all moved, I have been waiting to hear from the owner of 2 fanlistings I was allowed to adopt, and haven’t heard a peep. It took me time to put the websites up, fix things that I didn’t like, only to send a 2nd email asking her to please submit a moved form, so that I can get the members lists from her, and I still haven’t heard anything. I don’t know if I can do anything, I probably can’t. I can email the categories person in charge so they see from the forum post that they did/do want to adopt them out. I even have the emails to prove it.

I know we all have lives outside of online, I’d be the first to say I have put off so much, either I lost interest, or I just ran out of time, it happens you know? But to not even reply to my email? Come on what’s up with that? I hope she’s ok, and nothing bad has happened in her life, that she hasn’t been able to reply. Anyway I hope to hear from her soon.

Apart from that. I still have plans of closing pixelfx.org, and hopefully get a good price for the domain, and the same for kiss-me.org, but for the time being, I’m going to hold on to the domains, and just redirect my old collective to this one. Hopefully someone will want to buy it How about you? As for list-me.com, I so really want to revamp that website, it needs it so badly. I need something easier to manage, with great spam protection and a lot more features. I know of another script, so I’m hoping to be able to use that. The problem, is finding the time to do it. That’s always the problem.

Anyway, today is my boyfriends birthday, so I wanted to say Happy Birthday William, I love you baby!
