Mid Winter

We are half way through winter, and we have had only one big snow fall. I loved it, I know that those that live here, are happy when there isn’t much snow fall, but for me it’s so much fun to see and experience that it would be awesome if it would fall again. I’m not sure how many snow falls I’m going to experience, but I try to enjoy it to the fullest. Coming from California, we didn’t see much snow, unless you actually went up to Big Bear. Well now I am on the opposite side of the USA, and I am really enjoying the weather, sure it’s cold but a sweater, or a nice warm blanket can take care of that. The roughest time for me here is during summer, I came here in July of last year, and oh my goodness, the humidity was horrible, I could seriously live without that. I just absolutely hate how it feels. I remember one day I walked outside, and the air was so thick I felt I couldn’t breathe, it was a horrible feeling. But those that live here are very use to that, I wasn’t. I have to take the good with the bad, and I do.

Last night we watched the TV show 24, with Kiefer Sutherland, it’s a really good show. I wish I would of started to watch from the beginning, it’s in it’s 8 season, I think it’s a bit much to try to catch up with lol. So I just watch from here on in. I’ve been waiting for V to return to TV, well it’ll be back March 24, woohoo! OH yeah and Flash Forward also returns in March, March 18th to be exact, so I’m really excited about seeing how the stories continue.

Oh I finally got the food steamer, it’s great, we haven’t got a chance to use it yet, but it’s perfect! Ok well I should go, I need to upgrade my enthu script as I have put it off long enough, and then I need to work on List-Me.Com, I’ve neglected it a bit, but now I have the time to work on it. Have a lovely day everyone. I’m leaving you with a song I really like, Owl Cities – Fireflies!


For the past 2 days I’ve been working on my site here, and I have been working on upgrading, I think it’s an upgrade from FanUpdate to WordPress, because there are no more updates being made for FanUpdate, and as much as I liked it, and as easy as it was to install. I felt I needed something that has more updates and fixes. So I decided to install WordPress. Everything is going fine, just creating my pages, as I want my site to be used all around not just the blog portion of it. Lot’s of pages, but I will be 100% happier. I have some issues with the Keep In Mind script, I also upgraded that one from the old one I had, which I’m happier about. But getting it to integrate with WP is another thing, so that will take sometime. I may for the time being, make a little layout just for just my KIM, until I figure out how to properly integrate. I’m sure I can, I read around a few places and some people have done. Wish me luck

As for List-Me.Com, I have installed WP there as well, and managed most of my pages with it, but having a little problem integrating my directory script to work with the WP layout, so I may be forced to upgrade the directory script which will be loads of work and time. Since I have never changed scripts, it’ll be a challenge I’m willing to take, but I know I’ll have some problems and I don’t ever close my site while doing a upgrade or change, but if necessary I will but not for long. Apart from that, I had such a great chat with Steve today (waves at Steve), we talked for a few hours, and he is such a lovely man. My time always flies so quickly when I chat to him. He needs to hurry and come to Mass for a visit, have a cup of coffee, or go to the cinema or something. Thank you for a lovely time today Steve, I had so much fun, love ya hunnie!!

It’s been chilly last few days, some flurry snow, some rain, cloudy ugly, although, Friday and Saturday we should have some nice sun, that will be a very nice change, I welcome some warmth to the days. Oh gosh I watched Paranormal Activity a few days ago, I’m sure you all remember the hype about it. Well I was sent an email, that asked if I wanted my name on the DVDs credits in the thank you section to the fans, and I’m like nawww they won’t add it, so I did submit my name, and wow my name is there along with loads of other people hehe. So yeah it was a must buy lol, since my name and even Williams name is on it lol. Anyway about the film, it was pretty scary, I was spooked for a few days after it lol. I’m such a scary cat, but yet I like watching horror films, paranormal related films, and TV show lol, I’m a glutton for punishment I suppose. If it’s your type of film, then watch it! Yesterday they had the elections for Senator of Massachusetts and Scott P. Brown won! I just wanted to share that, this house voted for him. I better get going I need to finish some work on my collective. Have a lovely day.
