Super Pooped

Omg we went on a shopping trip to Target, yes I love shopping there, always get great deals, saved like $40, which is fantastic, if you use a combination of coupons, Target and Manufacturer, no we are not extreme shoppers, but we will save where we can, and I try to almost always use coupons when I go shopping, for everything even clothing, heck I even got a coupon for $2 off a pair of jeans for Women or Men, that’s pretty cool! And to top that off, find things on sale or clearance, woohoo go us!! We also popped into Walgreens and CVS for a few little items, but the biggest shop was Target, I am so pooped!

Oh I am so happy, my collective has finally been moved yay. I don’t have a layout put up yet, but I will try to be working on that ASAP, as I want to move the rest of my listing, I had only done my fan listing, but now I have name listings, number listings, cliques, screenshot, possibly even put up a portal again but maybe not lol, I change my mind so quick hehe. Anyway point is I still have things that need I need to finish, and then it will be open completely. I think I’m going to ‘try’ to create my own layout, although it’s been so long, I hope I can come up with something decent, with not having all the time in the world for that kind of stuff now, I hope to throw something together. I’ve applied for like 2 additional fan listings, one is for the Boston Bruins, if you follow my blog, you know we are big Bruins fans! The other is for the city of Boston, Massachusetts, yay, and I have recently adopted Plain White T’s fan listing, so I’m excited about that too, it’s a great band!

I know I have neglected, but honestly I think I am going to start fresh with that, install a better script and just start from the beginning, yes that means clearing out all the people that are listed, more than 80% is probably dead anyway hehe. So clean up would be good. As for, I think I am going to close that, I don’t have the time for it, or the money to be putting into hosting that website, *thinks for a minute* I have to check how much my hosting is because I don’t remember lol.

Ok I am really pooped now, I am going to watch a film, and just relax the rest of the evening. Hope you all are having a great weekend, and stay cool, as tomorrow it’s going to be a humid one, from what the weather channel says!
