We Are The Champions

That song is playing in my mind as I think about Wednesday nights history making win against the Canucks, the Boston Bruins win the Stanley Cup Championship, and bring home the cup!! It’s been a long time since the Bruins have brought the cup home, last time was in 1972, well over due hey? I am so proud of them, they played such an outstanding game! Tim Thomas such a great goalie, won the MVP woohoo go Tim Thoams!!!

The MVP, such a great goalie, and so very humble when being interviewed, we love this guy!!! But he is not the only great player, I just favor him more hehe. I love all the players, Marchand is such an amazing player, a rookie no less, he has so much life, he really literally kicked some ass lol. I love this guy, I remember after they won, the camera caught Marchands reaction, and I could of sworn he had tears in his eyes, I wish someone would of caught that on film, well they did, but I mean post in on the news, you can see how thrilled he was, or it could of simply been sweat, but I really doubt it lol. He is an aggressive player, I love it!!!

I guess you can realise this is all I’m going to be talking about, I’m so proud of these boys, they made Boston proud. The first one to step off the bus when they did arrive here, was Chara, this guy is so freaking tall almost 7 feet tall wow hey!!! Yup he stepped off the bus holding the Stanley Cup high over his head, so proud of it, and rightly so. Not only the first to hold the cup when getting off in Boston, but also was the first as captain to hoist that big boy over his head after the win in Vancouver!

I told William before the game started, we are going to win, I just felt it in me. We were on the edge of our seats, even after having 3 goals, William kept saying, get another one, get another, that would make it all that much harder for them to catch up, and then bam!!! They made another goal, after that, he said ‘we got this!’ And we did, we were so pumped, our neighbors probably heard us cheering lol.

Saturday will be the parade, it would be nice to be there, but OMG do you know how many will be there, and I’m a short 5’2, I just know tall people would be standing in front of me so that wouldn’t be much fun lol. So I think we may just watch it from home, we’ll see how he feels. I know we got stuff to do on Saturday, so it’s in our best interest if we stay local. We can watch it in the morning while in bed, before getting started with our day!

I think I will close here with the final Bruins victory dance, you have to play this, just to understand how funny and cute it is, but also how proud I am to post it in my blog. Anyway I can go on about all the players and everything, oh yeah Horton was there too, that’s just a whole other little story lol. Go Bruins!!!

Go Bruins!

Indeed we are big Bruins fans here, and we have been watching the Stanley cup carefully. Watching every moment as it happens!! It’s quite exciting, and even more exciting as the Bruins won last night’s game woohoo, way to go boys!!! Tomorrow night they play in Vancouver, this is going to be such an intense game. Last night’s was as well, as that could of been their last game, but now both teams have a chance, and I am really feeling good about the Boston Bruins coming through. So very excited Can’t wait to do that victory dance hehe.

I will be getting busy this week with my collective, as I have until the 20th to get it up and fully running, so that’s moving a lot of fan listings over. I have been neglecting my ebay listing, I just basically re-list items I didn’t sell. I am still doing my coupon clipping, I have found some great deals, and feel we have saved a lot. But it’s so hard to find good coupons for food! So I am keeping an eye out for that as well. So I have my hands full indeed!!

This past weekend we had a nice time over at William’s family’s house, the kids are adorable as ever, and always a delight to see them. Jaime and such a crack up at times, and Williams mom, is so sweet

Memorial day was also at his family’s house, that was a lot of fun, the weather was in and out, meaning the sun would come out some, and then later, it was just like Fall weather, seriously even now, it’s like Fall weather. It’s been over cast all day, and it’s just cold! Anyway, I really must go, will post again soon, after the Bruins win the Stanley Cup, hehe Have a great week everyone!!!
