Merry Christmas 2013

Yes!! It’s that time of the season, I would of come earlier, but had so much going on, with the holiday rolling in. I still have to do wrapping. And believe it or not, have not sent out Christmas cards, I have to blame William a bit on that. I felt I had to stay and watch him play two of his games that were early Christmas presents. I wanted him to enjoy them while he is off on vacation. So I felt guilty not watching him play. I know I didn’t have to stay and watch but I did. Anyway enough of that. I am here now. So … MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Merry Christmas 2013

Hmm I had a little problem uploading that image via wordpress, so had to link from another source. Oh well, hopefully just a temporary glitch!

I have another two fanlisting I put up last month, that I didn’t get to post about, so thought I would do that now. Well one was from 2 months ago, and the other from like 4 months ago lol. Anyway the first one is the fanlisting for the Arctic Monkeys, if you like the band, then please join up, and the other fanlisting is for Boston, Massachusetts, I live in Massachusetts, and thought it would be appropriate, since there wasn’t any fanlisting for Boston, and if there was it was gone. Yeah so if you have time stop by and join!

I guess that is it for now. Still waiting on the fanlistings website to re-open, maybe in the new year. Meanwhile I still keep up with my fanlistings. Still need to finish some work on some of them. Thinking about new layouts for some that have really old layouts, any donated layouts would be appreciate hehe Okay I will be back for an update either before New Years or right after. Happy holidays and have a happy and safe new year!

Is It Really Over?

The end of the era for Harry Potter, wow I can’t believe it’s all over, it was pretty amazing to see the actors grow up on the screen though. All good things must come to and end eventually. I’ll be saying the same thing for Twilight as well. As there are only 2 parts left, ahh I love those films as well. But old things out, and new things in, there will be lots and lots of new things coming along. Will there be anything as amazing as those two films? Absolutely! It’s just a matter of time, and waiting for that wonderful inspiration to hit a writer, and begin it’s journey on a best seller!

So I seem to always speak of the weather, I guess because it’s such a big deal lol. Well for me anyway. It’s nice and cool right now, but I expect it will be hot and very humid the next few days. I have been putting off doing laundry, and I think I really need to suck it up and deal with the weather, and not let it keep me from doing what I need to do. Every day this week so far, has been humid and uncomfortable. But I guess the best time to go is at night, well at least to drop the things off there, and then go the following morning early as soon as they open, and while it is still cool outside. It seems to stay nice until about noonish. Yeah probably the best time to do it lol. Oh how I miss having a washer and dryer in the house, but it’s better than going to a laundromat and dealing with the people, they never are very nice. Gosh last time I did that I was a kid.

So in San Diego the Comic-con 2011 has started and I am so jealous, to think I was living in California 2 years ago, and could of gone. *sigh* Although, I wouldn’t trade it for the world, I mean it would be nice to go, but I am so very happy here with my William I’m hoping to see Comic-con come to Boston, I will definitely be going. Hmm need to check on that. So I’m a getgluer, yeah I visit the website everyday, several times a day via my laptop, Mobile Phone, iPod or Tablet, I am very active there, along with the message board, I enjoy it very much. Some people may bitch and moan about, ‘what a waste of time it is’, it may be to them but do I care what they do with their time? NO, I don’t sorry to burst your bubble lol. Although my getglue account is connected to my Facebook and Twitter, so it’s published everywhere. And honestly if people don’t like that, they don’t need to be following me either. Anyway enough of that. I will be one of the first to buy tickets to Comic-con if they come to Boston!

Well I better be going. I have somethings to do, as usual. I need me some lunch, as I completely missed breakfast! Anyway have a great day everyone!
