So Distracted

I can’t believe how easily I am distracted these days. I want to do certain things, and then other things pop up, and there I go off on another path. Does that happen to you? There are many things I am trying to get done for this domain. What I did manage to do is finally close up, I left a moved sign, some of the content is there, and I do need to remove it, and transfer to this website, as this is where a lot of things that are on my old personal domain will be hosted, since I have the most amount of space here.

At least I did one thing hey? It’s better than doing nothing. Between wanting to finish things here, and trying to list things on ebay, and try to have a some what of a fun life, while I still have it lol, my time runs out, its my own fault at times though, can’t blame anyone but myself, I just need to manage my time better. Ok well let’s see if I can finish one other thing today while I still can. As my William is on his way home. TTFN

Coming Along Slowly

The transition from one domain to another takes time. Although I have to admit I get lazy and decide to put things off a day or two. But as I mentioned before, my fanlistings are all moved, I have been waiting to hear from the owner of 2 fanlistings I was allowed to adopt, and haven’t heard a peep. It took me time to put the websites up, fix things that I didn’t like, only to send a 2nd email asking her to please submit a moved form, so that I can get the members lists from her, and I still haven’t heard anything. I don’t know if I can do anything, I probably can’t. I can email the categories person in charge so they see from the forum post that they did/do want to adopt them out. I even have the emails to prove it.

I know we all have lives outside of online, I’d be the first to say I have put off so much, either I lost interest, or I just ran out of time, it happens you know? But to not even reply to my email? Come on what’s up with that? I hope she’s ok, and nothing bad has happened in her life, that she hasn’t been able to reply. Anyway I hope to hear from her soon.

Apart from that. I still have plans of closing, and hopefully get a good price for the domain, and the same for, but for the time being, I’m going to hold on to the domains, and just redirect my old collective to this one. Hopefully someone will want to buy it How about you? As for, I so really want to revamp that website, it needs it so badly. I need something easier to manage, with great spam protection and a lot more features. I know of another script, so I’m hoping to be able to use that. The problem, is finding the time to do it. That’s always the problem.

Anyway, today is my boyfriends birthday, so I wanted to say Happy Birthday William, I love you baby!
