Archives for May 2011

Happy Mother’s Day

Oh how I miss my mother, I do wish everyone a lovely Mother’s Day! I think of my mother every year on this day, and really on a few other days too, na more like every day, at least once a day she comes into my mind. It’s such a beautiful day today, I hope you all did something special for your mother, even if it’s just a phone call. Do it!! You will regret it later. I love my mom, and I miss her so much, especially on days like this. I hope you all have a wonderful time with your mother’s and the father’s and grandparent’s that have stepped in when the mother’s for one reason or another can’t be there.

I’m not a mom myself, but I have baby sat and I do have niece and nephews which some have kids by now. I know that’s nothing like being a mother, and i suppose that’s a part of my life that I will have to live without, it’s just the way it’s suppose to be, so I have accepted it, it doesn’t mean I have to like it! Anyway, I stepped away for a while to say Happy Mother’s Day to some of my family. I am back though!

I just renewed my domain registrar, so I don’t accidentally lose it, because that would not make me a happy camper lol. While I’m writing this post, I am also getting some stuff printed, as I’m into couponing, so I want to make sure I get good deals! Anyway enough of that lol. I need to tend to some of my ebay stuff too, I have so much I want to list, and I just find I’m running out of time. I give myself some me time in the morning, so in the afternoon I don’t have much time left before William gets home, anyway I try to get as much done as I can, I’ll have to cut some of my me time out and get some of this other stuff done!

Wow I’m so excited, I have been doing the PPP thing for a while now, and I am ready to cash out, I checked and I have $70.00 woohoo, I have been doing a lot of writing lol. And I have like $25.00 still that I have to get paid for. So I think I’ll wait until that is paid and cash out on it all woohoo! I best go, got lots to do, have a beautiful Sunday and Mother’s Day!

I’m Not MIA, Not Really

I know it seems like I have been missing in action. I have been here, just under the radar. Been so busy with what seems like a million things, that when I finally get around to finishing one thing, it seems my time has expired, now that sucks. I blame it on Drop Dead Diva, this week I had been catching up with the show, today I finally finished season two, and wow what an ending to that, I can’t wait for the new season, and I don’t have long to wait, just until June I believe is what I heard, I could be wrong, and you can correct me if I am. I love that show, it’s so fresh and quirky, makes me laugh and cry, and believe in true love. Ahh love! *thinks about William* hehe

I have so much internet stuff to do, I am seriously considering closing down, I know I said I wouldn’t be seriously I don’t want to keep paying for it, if there is no need, I mean I can move it to another host, a free host and let it sit there and just pay on the domain name, I suppose I can do that until I get a good buyer for the name, because I’m sure its worth something, right? lol. Even if you don’t think it is, I think it is, and really in the end thats all that matters.

And then as for, well I am keeping that as I do a lot of PPP blogging on that domain, and I think the name is perfect for blogging, don’t you think? I do! But at the same time I want to have my own little haven, which I have already purchased for 2 years, yay go me. I have been waiting almost 2 years for it to become free, and it finally has, and I can’t be any happier.

It does not stop there, I am also going to try to sell, so if you are interested drop me an email by using my contact form, I will get back to you as soon as I can, I have already acquired another domain, with a little more appropriate name for my fan listing collective, that I am pleased, with, So yeah a lot of changes coming. I hope I can achieve them all in a timely manner.

That is only online stuff, well no actually its not all. I also have my ebay stuff that I do, so I have to make time for that, and recently my whole collective has gone to shit, well the script anyway lol. And since it’s going to be a new domain, I decided to just go ahead and move it! Phew my gosh, that is a lot of stuff, as for offline life, well I am big in to couponing, at least I am trying to get into it more, and learn the ropes and all that. Some people have really saved so much money, and with the way things are now, every penny counts!

There is a TV show called Extreme Couponing, comes out on Wednesdays at 9/8c, I think I have mentioned it before, i will leave you with a video on that, if you get excited and decide to get into it too, let me know, I can let you know about some forums to go to. You can also check out the youtube page about it, and other videos related to the show, and also their website on TLC have fun couponing if you do decide to get started.
