Where is mother nature? Oh yeah she’s been making it rain. The weather has really been horrible, I can’t believe it’s almost mid May and it’s still over cast and raining, off and on. This whole week it’s suppose to cloudy and rainy possibly. I’m cold, as I sit here typing my blog post. I am here sitting, thinking, when is this weather going to change, ugh!!! Lol. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to seem like I’m complaining all the time, maybe just need to vent because I’m cold lol. Yeah that could be it hehe.
So I guess you have seen I have been talking about coupons a lot, yeah I’m kind of excited because when we go shopping, we will always take coupons with us, and when we check out, I’m really happy that we get stuff for such great prices, it’s an exciting thing to see you get stuff almost free! The TV show Extreme Couponing, isn’t exactly giving stores a problem, it’s the dishonest people out there that are making it hard for the rest of us.
I joined a forum all bout couponing, and this is where I see what people go through, some report that cashiers/managers/supervisors say that some fraud coupons are out there, isn’t that just so sad, why are people going that far to get things either less expensive or free. It’s wrong and can very well ruin things for the rest of us. Anyway I’m an honest couponer, and follow all rules and policies. What else can I do? But be aware of what’s happening.
Well I have much to do, I’m still trying to get my collective moved, but I’m waiting on hosting. I hope to hear about this in the next few days. But I need to contact TFL.org again and ask for another extension. I hope they give me it *crosses fingers* I really don’t want to lose what I have, wish me luck everyone Ok better get going William will be home soon, and I want to be done with this post. Have a great week everyone.
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