That’s what it seems like, the days just melting into each other. I do like how the weather is warming up though. We’ve had some really beautiful sunny days. I have some pictures I want to share of what I took. The only snow day we had here haha. I was still excited about it, and went out into it. Being from California, we don’t get snow like that, unless you are up in Big Bear, and sometimes the High Desert, funny to say it snows in the Desert huh? Lol. But yeah I remember one time while there it snowed and I woke up late at night and I had my niece and nephews visiting for the weekend, and I just had to wake them up to see the snow. Later that day I bundled them up lol, and took them out to play. They loved it, shame I didn’t have a camera back then to take pictures of them. But it was such a treat to just see them having fun. Last night I started to watch a film called Paris Je’taime, from what I seen it was so far about a few love encounters sort of, it was nice to look at because since being a little girl I’ve wanted to go to Paris, and that movie was made in Paris so that was a nice treat, but I got too tired and decided to turn it off before it finished, it had about 30 mins left but I just couldn’t stay awake. But I left the blog for awhile and I went back to finish the movie just now, and I paused it because I just wanted to write and say that the movie well it is interesting, several relationships or encounters come up and some are like relationships saved and others are just like passing things. Some sad moments in them and some really happy ones. Oscar Wilde’s grave is shown, I’ve always wanted to visit that, more so because my ex introduced me to Oscar Wilde. She introduced me to a lot of things I didn’t know about. Anyway I guess I’ll pause again and finish the movie and then return to finish my blog lol. Ahh that was a good movie, it was bout 2 hours long, but really worth it, it was subtitled because most of it was in French, but I loved seeing it. I can’t wait till the day that I can visit Paris myself. Heck maybe one day live there
Here is a picture I wanted to post, this is from the Balcony, I’ve posted pictures before in the summer but this was like last month the ONLY day we had snow haha. I loved it!!!
It’s so amazingly beautiful. I was telling my friend Chris on MSN, that I get all giddy about this because I don’t get to see snow live as much as other do so its pretty exciting lol. I fee like a kid all excited omg even talking about it excites me lmao . So thats my picture of the moment I guess. well not much else left to talk about, although I can probably come up with a million things but then this blog will become to long and people won’t read it lol. Anyway it’s Friday and well hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, hopefully the weather is gorgeous and what not. Have a good one everyone.