Earth Week

Ok so I go into the bathroom today to do my business lol, sorry for sharing, but I look at the door and I see this big black ant, I swear people here in Massachusetts, we seem to have big black ants and they are scary lol. Anyway so I though oh great here we go, they are coming into the house, but not in the kitchen, the window in the bathroom was open, and I believe that is where they came in through. Does this mean that this is the beginning of Spring?

I hate spiders, ants, any type of small bugs, okay even big bugs too. I will freak out! Hahah. So since it seems like Spring is really here, we are getting these big black ants in the bathroom, I’m assuming they are coming in through the window, not a whole lot of them, because they are big enough so just a few seems like a lot to me. We had ant traps type thing outside near the doors that would keep them out, but I guess they found a way in through the bathroom window, damn ants, stay away!!!

So this is Earth Week, yay! Recycle, Go Green I say! So this week everyone is getting in on this Go Green, Earth Week deal, I don’t think people should wait for Earth week, they should do this all the time. We try to recycle and use the least amount of energy possible, but sometimes you just can’t help it! Anyway so I just wanted to wish everyone a good Earth Week and try to do all that you can to get in on it.

There are a lot of TV shows that are supporting the Go Green topic, as well. I am a getgluer and I have so much fun on, so you know I will be checking into many TV shows this week, for the Earth Week topic!

Easter is almost here too. We are going to Jaime’s house, to see the kids go all crazy finding eggs. We are going to be taking (hopefully) hehe. A bunny shaped ice cream cake, oh yes the kids will love this! Ok well William should be home soon, so I’m going to go now

Mini Mega Shop

Over the weekend we went shopping for an entertainment center, for our TV and other things people usually have. We decided to visit this store that was going out of business, but most of the things were gone. But my lovely boyfriend, bought me a camera case with a tripod, I love it so much! He knows I love taking photos, and this will be very handy.

Isn’t it so cool, we got like 30% off, really great price, I have a little case I carry mine in, but this is awesome, it will really protect it and all the little bits like the charger, now I can carry that with it, because there have been times my camera just lost all it’s juice lol and I couldn’t take any more photos. I had to resort to my mobile camera, and that just plain sucks! Seriously my mobile phone takes them slow, and not very good quality.

So yeah a monster shop, even though it wasn’t as big as that sounds, it was enough to tire me out lol. We didn’t find the entertainment center at that one place, but we did at another, but they were out of stock, so I’m going to check online, and see if they have it there *fingers crossed*. We went to like 2 stores, no 3 and yeah it takes so much out of you. Lastly we did some grocery shopping, so glad that was done. Well after looking online, I did find it at another store, near where William works, so we are very happy and that will be shipped to the store in two weeks, which is fine with us. William will then pick it up from the store, how exciting! Yay!

We are beginning to get into the coupon thing (i always have, just not like this), because we both watched a show the other night about extreme couponing, and that just opened up both our eyes. So I’m going to be looking into that. Let me see if I can find the video on youtube, ahh here it is. You will be amazed and ask yourself, is this even really possible? I’m ready to find out

That is just one video, if you don’t see the video, search ‘extreme couponing’ this is so amazing, so we are totally jumping on this bandwagon, maybe not extreme at first hehe, but definitely going to get in on this, while we can. I think I will cut this short, and get to doing a few other things I need to do. Have a great week everyone!
