Drawing Blanks

That’s how I feel today. I feel like I’m numb. I came back and forth to the laptop today, but stared at the empty ‘add new post’ page, and thought “I don’t know what to write about” is it a writers block? Perhaps, I actually was going to do a PPP but it expired, I should of done it yesterday, foolish me *sigh* I know there will be more to come along. Well today is the beginning of hell week for me lol, well maybe not a whole week more like a handful of days. It’s still hell! It’s the monthly monster again. Wish it would just go away. Do you ever type, and as you type you feel like your talking, and you wished that when people read it, that they would read it in the way you hear it in your head? Happens to me every time I write a post. Sometimes I ask William to read the post to me, just to see how it sounds when he reads it. There are a few times, he wouldn’t pause where he should. So I ask myself, was it my writing that made him do that, or was it him just not pausing when he is suppose to? I guess it could be both. One of the things I hate about “this time of the month” is my mood. Yesterday I was ok, maybe a little snappy, *sorry William* and today I just feel down, sad, out of it, kinda floating. I hate this. So I’m debating whether to take my laptop upstairs and just be alone, so I don’t snap or anything at William?!

Last night I was talking to my lovely *gorgeous* British friend Steve, (if he was only single) shhh don’t tell anyone I said that hehe, I’m kidding anyway, we were talking because he had an overnight at his job, where he spends the night in an apartment. During his shift, he messaged me and told me he had fainted, omgosh I got so scared for him, straight away I asked him “did you eat” because I know I get headaches when I don’t eat, and sometimes light headed, it’s not a fun feeling. So I asked him if he was ok, and if he’s sure. And the nurse had suggested he go home, but he really wanted to do his job. Which I admire him for that greatly, but I also said maybe it would be for the best. He has to be ready at work at any time of the night if he is needed, but someone else at his job said he’d keep an eye out as well. So I briefly spoke to him earlier and he said he was feeling better which I’m really glad to hear. I didn’t speak much to him, he’s had meetings all day. It’s kind of scary to know someone so far away, and when they get ill you wonder how you would find out if they are ok? All I hope is for him to be healthy and that he eat when he’s suppose to hehe. Wow I really ranted about that lol.

As you know, or maybe you don’t. I am a big Twilight Saga fan, yes indeed I am. And with the new trailer out, wow!! I am soo really excited about Eclipse coming out. There are 106 days (June 30th 2010) left until the film is out at the cinema and yes I am going to see it. Maybe not the first week, but definitely by the second. And New Moon is going to be added to my DVD collection, because what kind of a fan would I be if I didn’t add it hey? I have to say I am not pleased that they used Bryce Dallas Howard as the new Victoria, grr how can they do that? I believe the film will still be an amazing story to see come alive (to the Twilight Saga fans), but it changes a feeling for me personally when changing the actress *sigh* anyway so even if you are not a fan of Twilight Saga, I am leaving you all with the Eclipse trailer, enjoy! Oh and before I go I wanted to wish Jaime a very Happy Birthday :cake: have a couple of and have a fantastic day!!


No Trailer Yet?

The weekend has come again. It’s going to be a chilly one too. We had light snow yesterday, or was that the day before? In any case, we did. So that has left the air chilly, a real reason to grab a sweater and drink some hot cocoa No big plans, I’m accompanying William to his sisters on Saturday, as he’s going to do some babysitting, and I didn’t feel like being home alone. Besides I wanted to go and see his niece and nephews again, they are just too adorable. Plus it gives me a chance to get out of the house. Hopefully we don’t get anymore snow, as that would make the drive more difficult, I’m sure he can handle it though. Earlier in the week, we had some really strong winds, so strong that after the postman arrived and left a package between the door and screen door (it has glass also), I was sitting at the desk, working on one of my websites, and suddenly I hear this loud bang, OMGOSH scared me actually, well not scared, startled me. I got up to see what it was, and I was shocked, the wind took the screen door and slammed it against the steps rail, it looked like it kind of broke part of the rail, not sure if it just came out, and the screen door wouldn’t close. I was worried that the glass actually broke, at first I thought it did, but upon looking closer to it, it didn’t … thank goodness! Well I had a lil panic attack, the winds were still gusting pretty hard, and I was worried it would do it again, since the door wouldn’t close all the way. I didn’t have my mobile with me, so I grabbed anything I could just to hold it for a moment so I can grab my mobile. Well as of lately I hadn’t been able to text William, so I said I won’t even try that. Then I tried to call, and nothing, went to voice mail. So I said this to me is an emergency, I’m calling him at work! Well I did, I told him what happened, and he said “Do you need me to come home” I said YES!! I can’t close the door and I’m worried another gust of wind will break the glass on the screen door. So about 30 mins later he came, fixed it, and I felt so relieved. The postman should of known that the winds were so strong and not to leave the door ajar like that. Too bad I can’t sue him hehe. Oh well, anyway. William fixed it, and it works fine now.

I spoke to Steve last night and a bit today. He took one of his clients (probably a young adult) to the university that he may go to, so he can go to some interviews, and to visit his family, it was a 5 hour drive, there and back! From what Steve said, it was a success, and it all went well. I was very happy to hear that. Steve does such great work with the people at his center. Without getting into too much detail, he helps run a center for homeless young adults, they do such a great thing there. I wish I could be part of something like that! Anyway, good job Steve, you are doing such good work, and I am so very proud of you. I know your family must be too, if my dad did what you do, I know I would be. Keep up the wonderful work sweety.

Oh my gosh! I am so excited, June 30th I believe of 2010, Eclipse is coming out! The 3rd of the Twilight series, I am so so excited!! I can’t believe, New Moon just came out in November of 2009 and now Eclipse oh my gosh. I am so thrilled at this, you can’t even begin to know. Well the Twilight fans know how I feel. I would leave you with a trailer of Eclipse, but there isn’t one yet, but as soon as one comes out, you can be sure I’ll post it. Oh before I got, I got some great news from William today, gosh you know when you get great news, that well depending on the news, you can cry? Well that is how I feel, it’s rather personal so I am not going to share it, but I think people can relate to getting excellent news! Have a lovely day and weekend.
