Eclipse, book 3 Yay!

Wow I can’t believe I’m well into book 3 now, I just love the Twilight series, it’s so awesome Eclipse started out so sad but I was literally shocked the way Edward asked her to marry him, my mouth dropped literally, then my eyes got watery, I’m such a softy lol. Okay I’ll stop there, sorry if I ruined it for anyone just reading it. Anyway did you all catch the Olympics?? Wow it was so awesome to watch, I was watching something everyday. I loved it, America did wonderful! So did Britain and Russia! We all know China came out on top, they were brilliant! The closing ceremony was really colorful, leave it to China to be creative and colorful like they were. But now the next Olympics will be in 2012, here in England and yes I will be here yay!! I’ve been keeping up with Big Brother UK, and wow recently this one housemate named Darnell has been so very rude to a girl named Sara, I mean called her an “ugly bitch” which she is far from being ugly, she looks like Angelina Jolie, and he called her a “slut” when all she’s done is flirt with the guys in the house, I mean how does flirting make her a slut? OMG I want him and this other loser Rex out of the house lol, had a mini rant, just pissed me off how them too ganged up on her like that, and BB didn’t do anything about it, grrrr!! Speaking of Big Brother, I was watching Big Brother USA!! But the user that was uploading the episodes had his account closed now I can’t keep up and it was getting so good I am so gutted, does anyone know where I can go to see the episodes, if you do please let me know, I am so anxious to see what’s happening!

So I haven’t been doing much, oh yes I have wait! I did decide to create two more hatelistings. Have you ever heard of Well it turns out (from what I’ve read on the internet) that they have closed up sign ups which is fine they can do their sign ups the way they want, but supposedly they are not allowing anyone over 36 to join? I was like WTF??? But it’s true, it appears they are not, they claim its their way of keeping pedo’s out, hahaha OMG what the hell? How is that going to keep pedo’s out? Did it ever occur to them that pedophiles won’t create profiles under their real name or age, hahah how ignorant eh? That is pure ageism in my eyes really, and you know it’s not only old people that are treated like that, so are younger ones, I’ve talked to loads that have told me they can’t do this or that because they are too young or not the right age, even web designing seriously. So I decided to create two hatelistings, one for that social network site, which claims they aren’t a social network but they are, and another one for ageism, because I am totally against discrimination against someone’s age, young or old alike. I hope you support it and join when they are ready. I’m almost done with the first one, soon as it is done, I will post about it. Yeah so I thought I would share that, if you are a member of sorry but you should think twice about being a member of such a website. Eventually it will happen to you. It’s one of the oldest social network site, but one that is not as popular probably because of the way they run things, and whats even funnier is that it appears that the owners are in their 30’s or over 36 something to that effect from what I’ve read in various articles on the internet, which here are a few 1; 2; 3. I’m sure if you googled you’d come up with loads and loads of results. On a happy note, I will leave you with a very cool video of a band I just recently discovered, I love discovering new bands, well new to me anyway, this is Theory of a Deadman, great band!

Happy Valentine’s Day

Yes I’m a little late, it happens especially on Valentines lol. This is yet another short post. I wanted to thank all my visitors and hostees for being awesome and I’m leaving a gift for those that do visit please pick it up as a thank you for being such great visitors. Don’t be shy leave a comment.

Oh yeah I adopted out the Land of The Dead Fanlisting to Candeta, she’s wanted this for some time and I did talk about adopting out my fanlistings so hey thats a start, go and visit the awesome new layout she has at Land of the Dead I’m sure she will be an incredible owner. I also am adopting out The Bangles and Bearshare fanlisting, but I have yet to know the new homes soon as I do I will post about it. If you see a fanlisting, hatelisting, namelisting, numberlisting, or even a clique that you might like to adopt then use my KIM list on the sidebar to do that. I’m looking for good homes for my stuff. I’m cutting down as my life is getting a bit crazy and I don’t have as much time to dedicate or if your simply a fan than go and join, yay!!

That is, oh yeah about my Valentine’s well I got a dozen gorgeous ruby red roses, a box of some delicious candy and a cute lil teddy bear oh yeah and I got 2 Valentine cards, that’s right 2 lol. I’m not really into candy lol but it was still nice. I sent her a box of chocolates, she loves chocolates, some beautiful Red Roses, it’s only appropriate, I have wine for her but thats here, she’ll get that when she gets here. I also have some other cute little goodies for when she comes down here. Oh yeah and I wanted to thank Felix and Jennifer for sending us a beautiful basket with candy, flowers and wine (Al will love this) Thank you so much Felix and Jennifer you guys are so wonderful. I hope you all had a great Valentine’s and if you don’t like this day so much, well its over and you all can go on as usual.

Please take this as a thank you for being such awesome visitors. Hostees I’ll be either emailing you it or posting it in your blog! Hope you all had a wonderful one!

Thank you and happy valentine's day
