So Much Added!

As you can see I have a new theme up, I really like this, it’s very neutral, and pretty anyway moving on. I have finally put up about 31 fanlisting up for adoption, if they aren’t adopted I’m going to close them, I am just not as excited about them as I was when I began this little hobby. If you check my menu above, under Owned you will find Adopt, and you can see what I am adopting, and if you are interested them please do submit, so that I can get those to a new home. I have also posted in board in the adoption thread, so hopefully some of these find new homes. I would list them, but there is a lot, I mean 31 is a lot right?

But since I put them up for adoption, I have adopted a few, and I have also applied for some new ones. I will share those links with you. So if you find something you like, then please go and join up!

I applied for these and was approved, Yay!

The Americans Impractical Jokers Volleyball Tears Pink Diamonds Johnny Cash Camping Peanut Butter & Celery Dean Koontz

I was able to adopt these, thank you so much to the lovely people that allowed me to adopt them

Anne Frank History Channel Genre: Drama Gummy Worms Biffy Clyro Zodiac: Sagittarius

And I made a new layout for the Guatemala fanlisting, I hope to make new layouts for another few fanlistings.
Country: Guatemala

And I am happy to announce that I have finally re-opened my website directory woohoo!! I was struggling with finding a workable script and I did manage to find one, I did although have a problem with the update page, it just doesn’t seem to be sending the emails, and that has frazzled me lol. So I had to use a regular mail form from the same author. But it works, and I do get submission. I emailed another person that is using the same script, as it seems to be working for her, but I have yet to hear back *fingers crossed*

Please if you have a blog, domain, collective, fanlisting, hatelisting, namelisting, numberlisting, clique, graphic site, resource site, just about any type of site, then please go and submit your site, it is FREE!!! Linking back is not a requirement but would be very much appreciated to help spread the word about the re-opening. I hope to have this open for years to come, as it was closed for about 2 years. It has a new layout up, it’s fresh, clean and simple, be sure to check it out, click the image below! I am looking for affiliates, so if you have a directory head on over and affiliate with me.

Ok well this was a long post, I didn’t expect it to be so long, but now you see what I was keeping myself busy with. Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you in the next one, hopefully it won’t be too long until the next one

Two New Fanlistings!

I finally got the two fanlisting I adopted up and running. Almost ran into a problem, but it was sorted out. I still do have a problem, I have not been able to find a solution for. Which is in the post below, take a quick peek, see if it has happened to you? I don’t know what else to do. Okay well let’s move on to the new fanlistings. I adopted the Siamese Cats & Monopoly fanlistings, so if you are a fan, please don’t resist and go join up

Another thing I wanted to talk about real quick, is integrating enthusiast script with this wordpress theme. I can’t seem to find anyone that can do it. I have though, emailed the maker of this theme, and hoping maybe she can help *fingers crossed*. In the meantime I suppose I’ll just make a independent page for my joined, as I can’t add the snippets to this theme yet. Again if anyone knows, Please let me know, I would appreciate it a lot.

I guess that is all for now. I am going to be thinking of some layout changes for some of my fanlisting they are over due, and finally get rid of some I am not as much of a fan of anymore. Oh yeah and need to get the KIM script installed too, as that helps. I got stuff to do still. Ok til next time!
