Trying It Out

Ok well I joined this website called where you can manage more than one blog that is using wordpress. I thought I would give it a try as I have 3 blogs I cross post to, and I thought wow it would be great if I can write my blog once, and have it post to all 3 of my blogs at the same time. Do you know how much time that would save me, loads of time hehe. Hopefully nothing goes wrong. I don’t think it would erase anything but I suppose the best thing to do is back up my websites just in case!

I had to restart my computer and I saved it as a draft but it didn’t save it on the managewp website, but on the individual blogs sites, so that was pointless lol. If I start a blog post I need to finish it or it won’t work stay here, yeah so here we go.

Going to try inserting some images and see how that goes. Starbuck is my favorite character from the syfy tv series Battlestar Galactica, ya!!!

It seems to have saved it in the website rather than my website, so we’ll see how that goes, that can be a problem for them in the long run.

Did I mention this seems to be beta lol.

Oh the downfall is not much plugins are on here, so I don’t know how I would be able to say insert a video. Hmm let’s give this a try, here is a new TV series premiering on Halloween called “Walking Dead” looks like it will be really good, it’s about zombies, and if you know me, I am a big horror film fan, and yes!!! Zombies are part of it, but it will be on AMC I believe, OMG I hope I didn’t say the wrong thing lol. Check out the trailer!

Another downfall is I can’t preview lol, sucks!!! Lmao, well it’s beta so hopefully that will change. Ok well that’s it for this test, if anything is wrong I will fix it! Enjoy the trailer.
