Server Problems

Apparently there have been server interruptions more than once. This concerns me because visitors need to access some of my fanlistings quite possibly on a daily basis. So if the host is going to be down, this can create a problem for my website, and my fanlistings. To the extent I can lose them. So I am having a chat with a friend, and have decided on getting a reseller and sharing the costs. There are three hosting companies we are thinking of checking out, two of which I have seen around for years, the third I’ve never heard of, and I have been around the net for a very long time, so it must be fairly new, the cost is a few dollars less than the other two, but I may just want to go with reputation.

I’m really hoping that, when the change happens, that I will be able to have everything moved for me, and that everything will run as usual, without any problems. When I changed collective domains, I did a fresh install, and I really don’t want to have problems with it. I really hope this is not the case when moving *fingers crossed* So if there is downtime, that is the reason. I will have to let know, so they are aware of the downtime, which hopefully won’t be long, *hopes*.

Lastly I just had a birthday, Happy Birthday to me, it was yesterday, and I had an amazing day. Oh yeah I’m also doing a Greeting card exchange, if anyone is interested, use the contact form, and I will get back to you right away. I’m also doing it on, it’s my first time, so it’s pretty exciting, yay! Okay, have a good week all.

No Email? Really?

With the whole Thanksgiving weekend, and waiting on emails, and replies on website, I halted working on the Adam Berry fanlisting. I didn’t want to work on it, not knowing if my extension would be approved or not. Come to find out via an email like weeks later, that they did get my form, but did they notify me? Did they send me an email? No they didn’t. Nothing.

Then I get an email the day before Thanksgiving that I have until the day after Thanksgiving to do it. I was beside myself. I thought omg, how the hell am I going to do this, with the whole weekend being Thanksgiving. I thought I’m sure to lose it.

So yesterday I hustled, and was having issues with my host, my files weren’t updating *sigh* that really upset me. They still aren’t, not in a timely manner, it takes like 15 minutes to see certain changes, while other changes do happen instantly.

Ok well I just worked through that as best I could, and finished it, sent my email in, so I’m hoping with the whole weekend thing that they understand and accept my fanlisting, it’s what i’m hoping for. I have a feeling they will, so if you would like to join my fanlisting, please head over to the fanlisting for Adam Berry and be sure to tell all your friends, heh, he’s the new guy on Ghost Hunters show! Super cool dude!
