Archives for October 27, 2011

So Distracted

I can’t believe how easily I am distracted these days. I want to do certain things, and then other things pop up, and there I go off on another path. Does that happen to you? There are many things I am trying to get done for this domain. What I did manage to do is finally close up, I left a moved sign, some of the content is there, and I do need to remove it, and transfer to this website, as this is where a lot of things that are on my old personal domain will be hosted, since I have the most amount of space here.

At least I did one thing hey? It’s better than doing nothing. Between wanting to finish things here, and trying to list things on ebay, and try to have a some what of a fun life, while I still have it lol, my time runs out, its my own fault at times though, can’t blame anyone but myself, I just need to manage my time better. Ok well let’s see if I can finish one other thing today while I still can. As my William is on his way home. TTFN
