Lol for real we went shopping again, hehe. There are a lot of great deals, and well we use coupons, so got to put them to use, we saved lots of cash today, we are very pleased with what we bought, and how much we saved. I’m not going into details about what we bought, and how much it was, blah blah, I’m sure people will be bored with that.
Plus I’m super tired, and just want to chill, and surf the net a bit, maybe start designing a layout for my collective, because it don’t seem like anyone is going to have a solution for my problem with the script I’m using. So my boyfriend had us stop by Staples, and he’s like ‘I want to show you something’ so as soon as we enter (Staples is so clever) we run into the $1, $2 and $3 bargain area, so you know we picked up like 4 or 5 items, that we could use, and we’re a great deal, so we moved on to what he was going to show. A whole section on pink stuff, but it’s pink for Breast Cancer awareness, but I loved every item, I just couldn’t say, can I have? hehe. Because it would just be duplicates of what we have. So had to pass on that.
Then we said we’d go check out the ink because they were having a sale, so we were able to get some ink at a really good price, plus a card discount of 10%, and we are going to get a $10.00 gift card for purchasing stuff over $40.00 which is fantastic, because we needed it all So it worked out well!
Then we headed over to Walmart an then Stop & Shop, and did our buying there, saved a lot of money with double coupons and manufacturers coupons too. So it was a very successful shopping trip again hehe.
We get home and we have lots to put away, but everything found it’s place, and that is good, because we have limited room. This reminds me, I need to do that rebate thing online to get the $10.00 gift card
Ok well I think that is all for now, I’m tired and I can probably write a lot more, but just tired haha! Have a great weekend all!
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