Archives for October 9, 2019

So Many Changes

I haven’t changed much on this website, because nothing has to be changed. At least not the theme I need easy to manage themes, and that is what I have. However, with PHP that is another issue. My theme is no longer being updated which honestly is not fair, because it is paid for and should always be updated to work with the most current PHP versions.

I don’t feel that I should have to purchase a new WordPress theme each time there is an updated version of PHP, who has time or money for that matter. I am on a tight budget, as it is I just splurged $15 on something I should have no but I did because I like to treat myself now and then. I cannot afford a $75 theme the prices just seem to go up and up all the time.

Wow, I didn’t realize I went on a rant haha. It is true though. So I had to begin fixing some of my fanlistings, as I have this domain on a secure server, so lots of little things need to be changed. The fonts will look wonky for a bit, but I will get it all sorted.

Apart from that, I am hoping to add 3 new fanlistings I will not say what they are until they are in my hands, 2 are new, one will be adopted. This is all I have time for now. I hope the next update is not as far in between as this and the last one was.

Oh one more thing, I got married, yay!
