So since my last entry, not much going on with, will it ever return, have they given up on it? How sad if it has finally come down to shutting down. I think it was a great community, I enjoyed it. It’s been a good long time though. I still have my fanlistings up, but don’t know what to do, just keep them up. I mean if they decide to close, they should just do it, it’s been months. Wish we’d get some kind of update. So I guess, like many other fanlisting owners, we can’t do anything until it is back up. As it is I need help with something. I’m bummed about that. So many people doing so much hard work. I don’t think they would give up on the community, but anything can happen. Maybe they are just tired. Ahhh wish they would do some kind of update. I can’t find them on Facebook, Twitter is dead, their LJ is dead. Does anyone know where they are doing updates? I guess we’ll see.
So that is my update for now. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worse.