Archives for August 2014

A Few Additions

I can’t believe the whole month of July passed, and I didn’t make an update, not that there will be very many updates. I try to do one, when I have added new fanlistings, or anything else is going on fanlisting related. I do have a few additions, that I’ll get to in a minute, but I just wanted to briefly say, I am going to be cutting down my fanlistings a lot. I am going to put up a whole bunch up for adoption, I had done it before, and I got no one really biting, but now I am going to do it again, and add more.

I hate giving up fanlistings, but when some fanlisting never get members, you just get a bit disappointed, but alas that is how it is. Doesn’t mean I am no longer a fan though I got a bit distracted, but I am back to this site. *Check last post to see what fanlistings were posted*

My new babies are Care Bears, that would include Stuffed Toys, the Merchandise Line, and [+] Care Bears, I also have Boston Accent, the awesome show Under The Dome, there was rumor that it was suppose to be a mini series, but they are on thei 2nd season, so I am happy about that, but with that said, I don’t see where this show can possibly go. I never read the book, the TV show came out so quick I didn’t get a chance to. I also have the Animated Characters fanlisting, this would be able to affiliate with just about anything animated related and last it is the Watching Television fanlisting, lord knows I do a lot of that, and movies too! Oh wait I almost forgot, I just did this one today, it is the Blogging fanlisting, can’t forget that, there we go!

I hope I get people joining. I haven’t posted at the the fanlisting board yet about them, but I should. That is usually where I can find affiliates, and new members, so I must remember to do that. I think that is about all for now, I can smell dinner, and it is only making me hungrier I’ll post in a few weeks, or possibly next month! Enjoy your summer!
