Happy February!

So according to Punxsutawney Phil has predicted we are going to have an early spring, that must make lots of people happy. I am happy to know this, but in some ways I wanted more snow. We were suppose to get snow today, but nope, only rain, BORING!!! Hehe. So I think I am going to want to start saving up for a deposit for a dog, because I really want one, and come spring it’ll be so much fun walking him (yes I want a boy), not that I wouldn’t walk him in the winter lol. I even have his name picked out, William already knows, not telling anyone else either.

So it’s the month of love. Imagine how much money is going to be spent on Valentine’s Day, gosh millions maybe even billions lol, am I exaggerating? Perhaps, but it’s possible. So I need to put a little rush on my babes vday gift(s) lol. May be more than one. Hmm wonder what I’ll get him. Gosh whatever I get him, I hope he loves it. I would like to get him something that would make him go “OMG” you know? hehe. So since it’s Valentine month, I thought I would sport a Valentine wordpress theme, I tend to change during the month, but I do stay on the same theme, this being Valentine’s day Hope you like it.

Anyways, we have been watching Heroes lately, it’s a great show, we are so addicted to it hehe. But we can’t stop watching. Gosh I love Netlflix, who doesn’t hey? We are going to watch V tonight, and possibly but not likely Black Swan, can’t wait to see that! So since I let this post sit, I will end here, as I lost my train of thought, hate when that happens, anyway have a great week everyone!

Steelers Stomped The Jets

I think last night was the first time I experienced below zero temperatures. From what my weather bug app said, it was -4 last night, wow, that is a record for me. It felt like it too. I couldn’t seem to get warm lol. In the end I did, it helps when you have someone to cuddle up with, and two layers of thick comforters, that also helped out. Ok so I did something naughty last week, I had been talking about adopting out some of my fan listings, well a god portion that is. Well I had signed up for another fan listing, I was sure it would of been taken already, but it wasn’t so I’m like *yay* lol. I’m not saying what it’s for right now, I will when it’s done. I have yet to start working on it. Gosh what am I getting myself into hehe.

So yesterday I caught the last half of the game. And I am very happy to see that the Steelers did me proud by pounding on the Jets. There was this one particular guy that was talking shit to me about my Patriots lol, so I told him that’s cool, because thats as far as the Jets are going. I told him, the Steelers are going to bet them, and they did. So I’m really happy about that. I have always been a Steelers fan, even though I love the Patriots as well. So I’m happy to see them go to the Super Bowl, again!

I have been working hard to get my eBay stuff going, last night I spend a few hours organising my photos, as I had already did measuring, and getting all the details. So last night I have a nice bath of items that I can put on eBay. I also have this adorable heart shaped jewelry box, I am eager to put that on eBay as well, as Valentine’s is nearing, and I would really like to sell it, it’s brand new and all. Wish me luck on that.

So we just recently finished watching the X-Files series, I believe I spoke of this last week. So we are on to a new show, we decided on Heroes, and I am just loving this show, we’ve only watched 3 episodes, but as I told William last night, ‘Hook, Line and Sinker!’ I am hooked, and will want to see it through. I’m also going to be watching Californication. Ever since X-Files, I fell in love with the actor David Duchovny, and I watched one episode of Californication like a few weeks ago, and I do like it, so I am going to play catch up with that show too.

Gosh Valentine’s is coming around, and I’m not sure what to get William, I have a few ideas, but I have to pick his brain a bit more lol. I thought something Star Trek related, he loves Star Trek anything lol, he’s such a geek, but I love him to bits. Oh last night, we were playing a game of Monopoly, I think at one point I tweeted that he was winning, and he still is. We stopped the game to have dinner and watch TV, and will be finishing up the game today hopefully. I’m nearly bankrupt lol, it makes me laugh how I’m paying out of my butt for things hehe. It’s so much fun though.

I think that is it for now, I’m going to have some breakfast, catch an episode of Californication, and then head upstairs to work on eBay, of course I’ll need to tidy up downstairs before coming up. I can’t wait for Being Human, the American version, that is on tonight, it’s such a good show! I thought about catching the first episode of the UK version, just to see what it’s like, but I thought naaa, it’ll just ruin this for me. So I’m leaving that alone. Ok well that’s it for now, have a great day and week!
