I Finally Did It!

After probably a few years, I finally closed some of my fanlistings that I wasn’t as passionate about, and some were just old and never got new members, so that was kind of a downer too. 21 of 31 fanlistings were closed, in that included my 2 number listings, a name listing Alice that was actually adopted, along with 1 of my fanlisting Alexander McCall Smith that was also adopted to the lovely Eunice. I’m happy they went to someone who can enjoy them.

I have kept open a few fanlistings, as I really wanted to see them adopted. The Simpsons TV show characters, and a Calendar Event, you can find them here, if interested let me know

In other good news, I have adopted and opened a few new fanlistings, let me share that with you.

  1. Cameras: Digital – Objects
  2. Instagram – Computer Miscellany & Internet > Phone Apps
  3. Colour: Peach – Miscellaneous > Colours
  4. Water – Food/Drinks > Drinks (Non-Alcoholic)
  5. Faith – Miscellaneous > Concepts and Ideas
  6. Zodiac Signs – Mythology/Religion > Astrology and New Age

And that is it, for now The only ones I adopted were Faith and Zodiac Signs, I appreciate Kelly and Miya for adopting them out to me, yay!

I am still waiting for a few others I applied for as they were closed, maybe I’ll get lucky and get some. That is about it for now, don’t forget, go join my new fanlistings!

It’s Open Finally!!

I think a lot of people are very very happy to finally see TheFanlisting.org finally re-open, it’s been a long time coming. A lot of us were patiently waiting, while a handful threw in the towel, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t be returning. It would be nice to have them back.

As for myself, I did close 2 of my fanlistings, I had closed them before tfl.org re-opened, as the personalities were no longer on the TV show. But I did apply for another two fanlistings, that I have wanted. I just took a break and applied for another, it’s a snack food I enjoy, and one that I had a long time ago, that I turned out adopting out, and then that person adopted it out without asking if I wanted it back, sad but true. I seen the link to the listing was dead, so hopefully I can get that opened.

I had recently opened some fanlistings, and to my dismay. I had one of the owners email me to tell me that since I didn’t get back to her, that she adopted out the Monopoly fanlisting to someone else. I was so sad I emailed her and told her that I did email her, I even forwarded my email, and what happened was, that I turned out emailing myself, OH MY GOSH what a dumb fool I was. I was so so deeply disappointed. So I told her, it is what it is, and it’s fair, it was my error, and thats just how it has to be. So I will need to remove that from my collection. I am bummed about it, but it is, what it is.

On the happy side of the things. I was contacted by the owner of Being Human the US version, and she sent in her moved form so it can be listed as me as the owner, so I am happy about that. If you like the show you really must join my fanlisting, I just love that show since it first aired, haven’t missed a show, and I believe they are on their 4th season, and believe me it gets better and better!

Be sure to check it out and join up! Apart from that, I am just waiting to hear from tfl about the other things I applied for. We’ll see, and I will be updating when I hear something. In the meanwhile, I want to fix my pages, and remove some things, add a joined page, even though I can’t seem to incorporate it into this theme, unless someone out there may know a way, it would be awesome, and I would appreciate it so much. In the meantime, I will go ahead and do some googling, see what I come up with.

Hope you all have a great weekend!
