Belated Happy New Year 2014

I hope everyone had a good New Years ever, for that matter holidays in general. Once Halloween comes, the rest roll in real quick! Just a quick post to wish everyone a Happy New Year, and much success in all that your heart desires. I hope to post more, but since I am not really adopting many fanlistings, and no real updates to do, until I get around to changing layouts. I don’t have time for that at the moment, got a lot going on as it is. But when I do I’ll post about it.


As for, the only thing really open is the board, so I may pop in there from time to time, and hope to finally see the whole website open! Oh yeah I wanted to share a picture of my kitten Daisy, she is a female siamese, and the cutest little active one ever!! She’s about 3 months old!

Daisy 2013

With that said, Happy New Year!
