Fanlisting and more updates

I have been feverishly working to update my listings, all fanlistings, namelistings, numberlistings, I have abandoned most of my cliques as I don’t have time for them anymore. I may have one, but will soon let that go as well. Since part of the has returned, only the forum, which can be found at, and there is now activity there. I have started to fix my forms which were not working. The only reason that happened, and I know it has been lazy of me. Is because the form on this blog wasn’t working. So I found out why. Fixed that, and also decided to fix the contact and affiliates forms on all my listings. There is quite a few of them too. So it’s taking me time, as I’m fixing those, but also editing some other things on the listings themselves, things I wanted to change before but never did, and now I did since I was in the listing doing some editing.

All contact forms and affiliates forms will redirect to the contact fanlisting form, where you can select the listing that you are wanting to contact me about, be it just a general question, affiliates requests, or broken link. I just spotted an error in my drop down list, so will have to fix that. Fanlistings will have one form, as there are a lot of them, and the other listings will all go on another form. It just makes it easier for me, and hopefully for anyone who has tried to contact me over the years. I have no excuse but pure laziness to not have fixed them.

I also had a sending error in my enthusiast script, so when I approved someone it wouldn’t send out an confirmation email, which upset me, but I didn’t know what the problems was. I finally figured out what it was. It was hosting related. I am hosted with and they won’t allow you to use an email address that doens’t exist on cpanel, for instance fans(@), I was using my gmail, so I had to go ahead and make an email and then use that in the script, and then make a forwarder so it would forward my email to my gmail, as I don’t like using domain emails. If the domain is down, then my email is down, that is why I never used one.

Anyway, I hope once I am done with that, I can fix other things, perhaps a few listings may get a layout change. Been ages since I have done that. I don’t see myself getting anymore fanlistings, I think I am just going to be joining, instead of owning any type of fan listing. Right, so that is it for now. Another update later on.

PixelfxOrg & KissMeOrg Are For Sale

So I finally did it, didn’t think I would but knew I had to. I am selling, I hope to get a good price for it, because it is a good domain, has been active since 2004, has been around a long time, and feel it’s a desirable domain, for a design website or even photography. So I am in the process of changing servers on it, but then it will reside on my reseller, until it is sold. So if you are interested at all, drop me an email by using my contact form.

Today I plan on moving some of my cliques over to this domain, I should of done it a long time ago, but I hadn’t. It’s coming from my old collective domain at Kiss-Me.Org, that I will always be selling, so hope to get a good price for that as well. I am considering going through a company if I have no luck. I think I had that domain about as long as I had, so it’s a pretty old and well known domain, still active, but will be moving to my reseller as well.

The cliques I am moving are Pride, Screenshot Exchange, Siblings and USA! Those are coming from She-Says.Com, and Eww! A clique for the squeamish and Rules Suck! Will be coming from Kiss-Me.Org, I am considering letting Rules Suck! Go, but I think I may try to find it a new owner first. More updates as it happens. I am moving servers on She-Says.Com, so figured it’s a good time to give the cliques a new home at this domain! It’s appropriate I think, and well it is all part of my collective, so I should have it all in the same place.

Even though I had to re-post this, because I did trying adding a clique and it messed everything up, that I had to beg my host to do a back up, which finally was successful! Yay so happy. I am going to have to add members manually, and on some cliques that is going to be such a long job ugh, I dread it. I don’t know if I want to go through the stress I did with almost losing everything.

Okay well better get back to it, got lots to do. Have a great week!
