Warm Up

Today has been cold all day, I think Fall is finally here. Summer was short and weird to say the least, I will miss it. So William had to go see a client, and he’s out late today, I miss him, I want a cuddle lol. I know he’ll be home soon. I hope he drives carefully.

We had installers come in today, they were installing additional fire alarms, wow they really went over the top, there is on in each bedroom, what looks like 2 in the hall, and one at the bottom of the stairs, wow that is a lot, but hey no reason to say we didn’t hear it hehe. Better safe than sorry I say! Oh yay he’s on his way home.

There are so many new shows coming on this month and next month, I know I talked about it before, but this one show called Once Upon a Time, looks pretty good. I’ll add a video for you to watch, who knows, you may want to see it It premieres on Sunday, October 23 @ 8/7c on ABC woohoo!!! ABC is just popping out with great shows.

Big Bang Theory is coming back as well, so is House, and a new show called The Secret Circle, that looks interesting, I did watch the first episode and I like it already. Oh yeah and Survivor just finally started, very cool about that, and The Amazing Race too, gosh I hope I can watch them all, I don’t plan on seeing everything, but I usually stick with stuff I like, like Fringe, Supernatural, and so on.

Well I need to get going, hope you all have a nice week, and stay warm!

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