Two Years, Wow!

Happy Anniversary to us!! That is right, it’s our 2nd anniversary, since that wonderful day that I said I would be his. Hehe, yeah we are going there, mushiness, just a tad bit, I won’t over do it. I am one lucky girl to have met such a great guy like William. My choice of men in the past haven’t been the best, but I guess a lot of us girls say that, I guess the guys say that too lol. Well I’m really lucky, William is everything I have wanted in a guy. I realise no one is perfect, far be it that I try to even pass as being perfect. But hey I’m happy, he makes me happy and I sure hope I make him happy. So Happy Anniversary baby!

So he has half a day today, the company does a nice like potluck type thing at his work. I’ve wondered why they don’t allow family/friends to go though. I guess it’s just a company thing, ahh well. I’m just glad he has a nice time. I’m sure he’ll be full, when he gets here, so I best have ate something. We are going to do a little shopping, since I don’t get to do it during the week, as we are a one car family hehe.

So I hope everyone has a lovely 4th of July, and that you all stay safe! I have a lot to do to prepare for the shopping trip, so I need to get my lists ready and in order, and have my coupons all ready as well. That’s the key thing really is to have them organised, with which ever store you are going with, it is a bit time consuming but you know in the end its all a win win situation. I know William is happy when he sees $ coming off the totals. Anyway Happy 4th of July everyone!

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