A Bit Of Snow

So last night we had a little bit of snow. I was hoping for more, but I guess a lot of people have gotten tired of all the snow, especially those in Boston that were bombarded with snow. Gosh I’m jealous We were in Boston earlier in the week, actually last week I like hehe. And I took a few shots of how it looked with the snow. Wow I was shocked, but loved looking at it sooo much!! I have some pictures to share with you, hope you like them. It’s amazing in Boston!

Ok I hope you can see them, otherwise I will be editing after I finish using managewp, so in these photos, you can see how much snow they got. We were driving up a street and some poor lady was outside digging up her car, because the next day we were suppose to be hit with more snow, but we didn’t get any, so I’m not sure if they did. But her care was very buried. Look at one of the photos, and the icicles next to the window, that is madness, it’s a first for me, so it was rather exciting

So V is on tonight, I really enjoy that show. I remember when the first version was out, I watched it them too, this is a much newer version more believable hehe, I can’t imagine that happening to us. I often ask myself, what is all these films and TV shows about aliens and all about, is it because someone knows something and they don’t want to tell us? I guess a lot of people wonder the same things. I love X-Files, it leaves so much to your imagination, I’ve also been watching Heroes, I wish they would to a finale on that, because they left it unfinished, come on NBC or is it CBS lol one of them, do them right. We aren’t done watching that series, but omg we are so hooked on it

Ok well it’s almost time for out evening time, and dinner, so I better get going. See ya!

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