So Much Goodness #Food #BAD11

Here we are again, another Blog Action Day, this years topic is food! Oh my goodness, there are so many deliciously enticing foods. But I think about the topic a little deeper, and why does guilt set in? I don’t know, wait I do know. Because I start to think about all those countries with people that wish they would have just one bite of what tonight’s dinner would be. Is it normal to feel guilty? I’m going to say yes, I think anyone that is writing a BAD post is going to think about how I just felt.

I don’t want this to really be a sad blog, so let’s keep it a bit light. I have experienced so many good foods, Guatemalan food, so delicious, especially the tamales, oh goodness me. so yummy goodness, and the smaller Mexican flavored tamales also so delicious. I spend a few years in England, and got to experience the Indian food there, OMG, there is not many Indian places around here, my next door neighbors are Indian, and I can always smell when they are cooking their dishes, strong scents of garlic and onions being fried, really nice. I have to be honest, there have been times when it’s been a bit over the top, and I could do without the smell, because it comes through my entire house, and it lingers! haha.

But aside from that, I really have enjoyed some dishes in my travels. I know there is so much more to experience, and I’m so looking forward to all those tasty dishes awaiting to be consumed. So while you think of all those gorgeous dishes you can find in the world, also think of those less fortunate, and give a little when and where you can. Spread the word to, there is still time to participate in Blog Action Day 2011!

New Home

Edit: Ok I think I’m going with this theme for now. It’s simple, and was easily customisable, so I’m happy. This is just a collective after all End Edit

Well here I am at the new home. This is a temporary theme I put up. I figured I needed something up here, and I just don’t have the time to make anything. Wow how time has passed, I resort to wordpress themes. Ahh well it’s got to be done. So be it. Anyway. I have a few more things I need to move over here, most of my fanlistings, hatelistings, numberlistings, namlistings have been moved, well when I say most, I’m saying all of them, unless I forgot something. Well I guess that means I’ll need to check hehe.

Anyway like I said, this is temporary, and will probably only be updated when I have done something to a listing. I do plan to re-install the Keep In Mind script. I have not done that yet, I also have to move my joined, which I also haven’t done yet, oh boy lol. That’s going to be interesting to do. Not to mention, go and change my URL for all the stuff I have joined, that’s a lot. So I guess that means I have a lot to do. I’d like to do the same with, it needs a complete overhaul, new script, just starting fresh. All that times time, time I really don’t have much of. So I will do the best I can. I’m sorry for any problems or delays it has caused for people. Ok that’s it for now, have a great weekend!
